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2 Nov 2016, 7:45 am by Steve Erickson
  We could easily dispense with the cost of the criminal justice system and just civilly commitment people who are prone to violence and crime (abrogating Foucha v. [read post]
30 Jan 2019, 5:44 am
Posted by Kent Greenfield (Boston College), on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Editor's Note: Kent Greenfield is Professor of Law and Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Boston College Law School. [read post]
14 May 2012, 4:24 pm
So I was extremely interested to see a similar ruling out of the New York State Court of Appeals in People v. [read post]
10 Feb 2023, 4:15 pm by Lawrence Solum
After sketching this founding-era history, I discuss its implications for how we should approach the issue that arises in cases like Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. [read post]
25 Jun 2008, 3:12 pm
To see the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department decisions (including index) released on June 25, 2008, click on the links below: Index to Slip Opinions Slip Opinions 06-24-2008 In Matter of Winford Kent Bishop People v. [read post]
11 Dec 2007, 6:07 am
  For example, there's Andreas v. [read post]
4 Oct 2010, 6:16 am by Lawrence Solum
Michael Kent Curtis (Wake Forest University - School of Law) has posted Citizens United and Davis V. [read post]
6 Jan 2013, 6:49 pm by Timothy P. Flynn
 The case, People v Bylsma, arose out of Kent County and is distinctive because it is the first case under the Act that involves a collective grow operation.Ryan Bylsma was a certified care provider under the MMMA. [read post]
4 Mar 2008, 6:56 am
This decision provides some hope after several disappointing decisions that shut the courthouse door to people with important legal claims, such as the Court's recent pro-corporation decision in the preemption case, Riegel v. [read post]
2 Nov 2015, 3:00 am by Amy Howe
” Elsewhere at Crime and Consequences, Kent Scheidegger weighs in on the Court’s denial of a stay to a Florida death-row inmate; he suggests that, no matter what “the Court may decide on the merits in”Hurst v. [read post]
10 Mar 2008, 6:44 am
Supreme Court Deals Blow to Lawsuits Against Defective Products", the Court heard arguments on February 25 in Warner-Lambert v. [read post]