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24 Jul 2023, 6:58 pm
It hurts, it's a bit embarrassing, but besides causing a temporary limp, nothing devastatingly injurious.Apparently not.Raymond Pickett shot Michael Moore in his right buttocks, the bullet severed an artery, and Mr. [read post]
19 Jun 2013, 7:00 am by Guest Blogger
  State autonomy is not just for Neanderthals anymore, and conversely people on the political right (like Professor Greve) will often support national power and limits on states. [read post]
11 Jan 2010, 3:16 pm
All that Michael Ibarra wanted to do was to pump some gas. [read post]
5 Jun 2020, 3:07 pm
Michael Bettasso gets sentenced to 19 years to life for driving while intoxicated. [read post]
19 Jan 2012, 2:06 pm by Michael W. Huseman
 People v, Lynch, 266 Ill.App.3d 294, 297 (2nd Dist. 1994).A further review of the case law interpreting the statute shows that if the privilege is violated, a motion to dismiss is the proper way to invoke the privilege. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 3:17 pm
Michael Vick's got nothing on Robert Brunette:"This macabre case involves appalling animal cruelty. [read post]
28 Jan 2023, 6:47 am by INFORRM
In Riley v Sivier [2022] EWHC 2891 (KB) TV presenter Rachel Riley succeeded in her libel claim against blogger Michael Sivier in a judgment handed down on 16 November 2022 by Mrs Justice Steyn. [read post]
5 Mar 2019, 2:27 pm by Joseph Stacey
Hand injuries can be devastating and sometimes career-ending for people who work at sea. [read post]
20 Dec 2011, 8:09 am by Steve Hall
“A lot of people think I want a pound of flesh,” said Michael Morton, who was freed after new DNA evidence tied another man to the crime. [read post]