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7 Apr 2011, 11:17 am by Charon QC
– or is it kinder to limit entry? [read post]
23 Mar 2011, 4:59 am by Rob Robinson
Cost of a Data Breach (PDF) (Ponemon Institute) Ayers on Legal Ethics and Lawyer’s Reasons – (Andrew Ayers) Cloud Computing in Simple Terms – (Charles Skamser) Hage on a Model of Legal Acts & Computational Systems - (Lawrence Solum) It Pays to Fight SEC & FINRA, Study Says – (Tom Steinert-Threlkeld) Massachusetts Judicial Committee… [read post]
31 Aug 2010, 10:54 am by Peter Kinder
“Separate doctors from industry”: So read the headline of an Aug. 16 op-ed in the Boston Globe. [read post]
27 Aug 2010, 10:58 am by Peter Kinder
On August 24, the New York Times celebrated the huge progress made over the past 30 years on acid rain.In an editorial, the Times noted regulatory action taken since 1990 has led to reduced toxicity in Adirondack lakes and forests, and they have rebounded. [read post]
13 Aug 2010, 9:37 am by Peter Kinder
“Economic reality confounds economic theory,” said Union Theological Seminary (Richmond) Prof. [read post]
9 Jul 2010, 8:57 am by Peter Kinder
Two days after drafting my post on Jeffrey Immelt’s observations on American industry, I read Tim Duy’s superb piece on the loss of manufacturing jobs. [read post]
8 Jul 2010, 12:54 pm by Peter Kinder
The Financial Times has reported provocative remarks made in Rome last week by General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to a group of Italian executives.The whole article deserves reading, but I want to focus on one FT quotation of Mr. [read post]
7 Jul 2010, 12:19 pm
Governor Peter Kinder joined a group of three Missourians in filing a legal challenge against the recently enacted federal health care law ... [read post]
14 May 2010, 7:37 am by Peter Kinder
A new study from Clemson University compares greyhound racing and Thoroughbred racing and reaches interesting conclusions on (human) compensation schemes. [read post]
13 Apr 2010, 3:17 am by SHG
At the New York Times Dealbook, Peter Henning writes about how the sentences for "white collar" defendants have grown to match, and exceed, those imposed on other types of criminals. [read post]
19 Feb 2010, 12:03 am by Peter Kinder
Frequent enough tourist destination cities, like Boston, and you’ll get to know shell games. [read post]
9 Feb 2010, 2:49 pm by Peter Kinder
A generally favorable Reuters story on Mary Schapiro's progress as SEC chair ends on what is, to me, a very sad note: [Redoubtable Columbia Law Professor John] Coffee said changing the SEC's culture was a little like changing the culture of the Roman Catholic Church. [read post]
27 Apr 2009, 2:20 pm
For a nice summary of forms of tax relief, I highly recommend this post from Peter over at Pappas Tax.Similar Posts: So Much for the Kinder, Gentler IRS [read post]