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12 Oct 2010, 4:16 pm by Dwight Sullivan
  The Article 39(a) session will be held at Fort McNair. h/t Phil “My Liege” Cave’s Court-Martial Trial Practice blog [read post]
1 Sep 2010, 1:03 pm by Dwight Sullivan
h/t Phil Cave’s Court-Martial Trial Practice blog. [read post]
21 Sep 2011, 4:54 pm by Dwight Sullivan
Phil “My Liege” Cave’s blog calls attention to this unpublished NMCCA decision setting aside an adultery spec and a communicating indecent language spec on Fosler grounds. [read post]
12 Feb 2011, 8:10 am by Dwight Sullivan
As Phil “My Liege” Cave reports here, Luis Melendez-Diaz was acquitted at his retrial in Massachusetts’s Suffolk Superior Court upon remand from the Supremes. [read post]
24 Dec 2010, 4:41 am by Dwight Sullivan
Phil “My Liege” Cave informs me that a post-trial Article 39(a) session has been scheduled in the Hennis case at Fort Leavenworth on 21 January 2011. [read post]
17 Mar 2009, 12:37 pm
As reported by Phil Cave's Court-Martial Trial Practice blog, CAAF yesterday granted review of the following issue in United States v. [read post]
8 Mar 2009, 12:22 pm
Phil Cave's Court-Martial Trial Practice blog posted a couple of interesting items today. [read post]
21 Nov 2010, 6:24 pm by Dwight Sullivan
Phil “My Liege” Cave calls my attention to this recent published 10th Circuit decision discussing the scope of review when considering collateral challenges to court-martial convictions. [read post]
14 Jun 2010, 8:46 pm by Dwight Sullivan
  (h/t Phil Cave’s Court-Martial Trial Practice blog) After the Navy-Marine Corps Court sitting en banc reversed his findings and sentence due to one of Hutchins’ military defense counsel’s improper departure from the dcefense team, 68 M.J. 623, the Judge Advocate General of the Navy certified the case to CAAF for further review. [read post]
24 Sep 2007, 12:46 pm
Phil "My Liege" Cave called my attention to a 20 June 2007 JAGMAN change today. [read post]
9 Jun 2010, 8:45 am by Dwight Sullivan
  This link, provided in the press release, says "PLEASE CHECK BACK FOR VIDEO"] Phil Cave was kind enough to pass along to us a press release issued by LTC Lakin’s spokesperson, Margaret Hemenway, explaining that LTC Lakin has waived his Article 32 invesigation:   American Patriot Foundation, Inc. 1101 Thirtieth Street, N.W., Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20007 PRESS RELEASE DECORATED ARMY DOCTOR LTC TERRY LAKIN WAIVES… [read post]
27 Mar 2011, 6:37 pm by Dwight Sullivan
Phil “My Liege” Cave calls our attention to this unpublished 5th Circuit opinion dealing with when a dishonorable discharge is legally effective. [read post]
11 Jul 2008, 2:43 pm
JONATHAN GEWIRTZ ON GRAMM, MCCAIN, AND OBAMA: "Phil Gramm spoke the truth. [read post]
18 Jun 2009, 2:55 pm
Phil Cave was kind enough to send me two opinions that CAAF issued today.The first is United States v. [read post]
30 Jan 2011, 7:43 pm by Buce
  I fired up a YouTube version and I've decided I must have been living in a cave because I swear I never heard it before (I  do recognize Phil Spector's Wall of Sound, though). [read post]
19 Apr 2012, 5:17 am by Mike "No Man" Navarre
NIMJ’s Phil Cave on SGT Bales mental state and how the defense and governemnt will present it Here is a Jurist piece by Phil Cave on how the mental state of the accused will play in the upcoming military justice proceedings related to the shooting of 17 Afghan civilians last month. [read post]
21 Jul 2012, 7:05 am by Dwight Sullivan
As previously noted by Phil “My Liege” Cave, Lawfare has posted this harsh critique of CAAF’s Ali opinion by Professor and Associate Dean Steve Vladeck of American University’s Washington College of Law. [read post]
16 Jun 2009, 10:17 am
The military judge ruled that he didn't need to decide whether such a privilege applied in the military justice system because it would be overcome in this case even if it did.h/t Phil Cave's Court-Martial Trial Practice blog [read post]