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29 Mar 2022, 5:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
Further, said the court, "the arbitration of this grievance would offend public policy" as might otherwise be required by a collective bargaining agreement" would significantly lessen the efficacy of the Hatch Act and frustrate its purpose and scope, citing Matter of Board of Education [Ramapo] 41 NY2d 527. [read post]
29 Mar 2022, 5:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
Further, said the court, "the arbitration of this grievance would offend public policy" as might otherwise be required by a collective bargaining agreement" would significantly lessen the efficacy of the Hatch Act and frustrate its purpose and scope, citing Matter of Board of Education [Ramapo] 41 NY2d 527. [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 2:08 am
Pereira, a social worker, was terminated after making remarks that she, herself, described as a stupid, racist, and unthinking joke.While citing a line of cases that included Pickering v Board of Education, 31 U.S. 563, and Connick v Meyers, 461 U.S. 138, 1983, the Massachusetts high court said that although a public employee’s speech may be entitled to constitutional protection if the employee speaks out on a matter of public concern, and his or… [read post]
3 Apr 2011, 5:24 am
Pickering v Board of Education, 391 US 563, sets out the tests applied by the courts in such cases. . [read post]
14 Feb 2018, 6:58 am by Ken White
Board of Education Supreme Court's 1983 decision in Connick v. [read post]
5 Jan 2023, 5:23 pm by Eugene Volokh
Bd. of Educ. (1968), because "where the Branti exception applies the employee can be fired for purely political reasons without any Pickering balancing. [read post]
20 Dec 2017, 11:57 am by Michael Kimberly
Board of Education, which overruled the separate-but-equal doctrine of Plessy v. [read post]
19 Sep 2010, 6:38 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
Board of Education that public employers can discipline subordinates who speak out on matters of public concern if the speech in some way disrupted workplace or governmental efficiency. [read post]
24 Jun 2009, 3:09 am
Rubinstein*NYPPL Comments: Essentially the "Pickering Balancing Test" [Pickering v Board of Education, 391 US 563] requires the court's consideration of the following:1. [read post]
28 Feb 2018, 9:35 pm by Sophia Z. Lee
Board of Education did it clearly establish that the First Amendment protected government employees. [read post]