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29 Oct 2017, 4:00 pm
by Mikael Maher In a recent arbitration case, Tshiuetin Rail Transportation Inc. v. [read post]
9 Dec 2011, 9:29 am
On October 11th 2011, the 4th section of the ECHR stated that masked police officers “should be required to visibly display some anonymous means of identification – for example a number or letter” (Hristovi v. [read post]
9 Dec 2011, 9:29 am
On October 11th 2011, the 4th section of the ECHR stated that masked police officers “should be required to visibly display some anonymous means of identification – for example a number or letter” (Hristovi v. [read post]
29 Oct 2017, 4:00 pm
by Mikael Maher In a recent arbitration case, Tshiuetin Rail Transportation Inc. v. [read post]
29 Oct 2017, 4:00 pm
by Mikael Maher In a recent arbitration case, Tshiuetin Rail Transportation Inc. v. [read post]
6 Jul 2010, 6:03 pm
(Patent Docs) (Holman’s Biotech IP Blog) US: AMP v USPTO after Bilski v Kappos (Patent Docs) US: NORD Chair/HP&M Director presents opening testimony at first ever FDA orphan drug hearing (FDA Law Blog) US: Celsis files patent infringement complaint against CellzDirect and Invitrogen over pooled multi-cryopreserved hepatocyte products (Patent Docs) Products Astelin (Azelastine) – US: Zydus admits infringing Meda’s Astelin patent, agrees not to… [read post]
7 Jul 2010, 5:14 am
(Patent Docs) (Holman's Biotech IP Blog) US: AMP v USPTO after Bilski v Kappos (Patent Docs) US: NORD Chair/HP&M Director presents opening testimony at first ever FDA orphan drug hearing (FDA Law Blog) US: Celsis files patent infringement complaint against CellzDirect and Invitrogen over pooled multi-cryopreserved hepatocyte products (Patent Docs) Products Astelin (Azelastine) – US: Zydus admits infringing Meda’s Astelin patent, agrees not to… [read post]
29 Apr 2020, 6:03 am
5 Oct 2011, 2:03 pm
However, today's decision in Case T-526/09 PAKI Logistics GmbH v OHIM; soutenu par Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord -- available only in French and German so far -- has drummed up a lot of activity in the general vicinity of the Kat's email in-box, spearheaded by the articulate and erudite Simon Malynicz (3 New Square) who appeared for the Royaume-Uni [Merpel explains: the United Kingdom has been rebranded 'Royaume-Uni' in a… [read post]
31 Dec 2023, 4:00 am
Oral Judgment Criminal Law: Assault; DefenceR. v. [read post]
4 Jun 2015, 5:57 am
Cascade Yarns, Inc. v. [read post]
17 May 2016, 4:28 am
According to the French IP code, M&S was not entitled to demand the cancellation of those goods and services not cited against it by ISMS, and therefore the claims for cancellation should be accepted as far as they apply to those goods and services cited in the infringement claim but rejected for those not so cited.On the validity of CTM 5410998 SIMPLYRecognizing the need to consider the validity of the marks by reference to the average consumer in all EU member states, the court… [read post]
9 Jan 2012, 8:15 am
The fourth quarter of 2011 also saw some very large leveraged buyout transactions in the United States which bodes well for the higher end of the market in Canada, which transactions we have not seen domestically for several years. [read post]
26 Feb 2025, 7:00 am
Nord (2021) 62 Cal.App.5th 112, 121.) [read post]
12 Jun 2024, 1:06 pm
38; Commission scolaire francophone des Territoires du Nord‑Ouest v. [read post]
11 May 2010, 2:40 am
” • Pia Letto-Vanamo, University of Helsinki, “Some Remarks on the History of Legal Argumentation” • Michael A Livingston, Rutgers School of Law, “One Hatred, Many Laws: The Evolution of Antisemitic Laws in Germany, France, and Italy in Comparative Historical Perspective” • Lara Magnusdottir, University of Iceland, “How to understand a Concordat when you don‘t know what the word means” • Aniceto Masferrer, University of Valencia,… [read post]
11 May 2010, 2:46 am
” • Pia Letto-Vanamo, University of Helsinki, “Some Remarks on the History of Legal Argumentation” • Michael A Livingston, Rutgers School of Law, “One Hatred, Many Laws: The Evolution of Antisemitic Laws in Germany, France, and Italy in Comparative Historical Perspective” • Lara Magnusdottir, University of Iceland, “How to understand a Concordat when you don‘t know what the word means” • Aniceto Masferrer, University of Valencia,… [read post]
13 Feb 2009, 12:54 am
Gardephe of the Southern District of New York would hear none of that in National Resources Defense Council, Inc. and Public Citizen, Inc. v. [read post]
3 Dec 2018, 10:06 am
Juni v. [read post]