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17 Sep 2010, 9:55 am by R. David Donoghue
  I hope to see you there, especially Peter Zura of the 271 Patent Blog; Stephen Albainy-Jenei of Patent Baristas; and the anonymous Ed. of Blawg Review. [read post]
21 May 2008, 4:24 am
Stephen Albainy-Jenei has something brewing for us at Patent Baristas this Memorial Day. [read post]
12 Mar 2009, 8:23 am
Guests: Andrew Watson,   ipVA: Intellectual Property strategy and advisory consultants Stephen Albainy-Jenei, Patent Baristas: Freshly brewed Bio/Pharma chat. [read post]
18 Jan 2011, 3:52 am by Dennis Crouch
” Clearly, the firing partner is channeling Cincinnati patent lawyer Stephen Albainy-Jenei. [read post]
5 Sep 2007, 12:29 pm
” The “genius” Stephen Albainy-Jenei is particularly well known for his biotech background and the experience that he has gained in the field. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 6:18 pm
The Lawyers: The "extraordinarily intelligent" Stephen Albainy-Jenei "knows the practice area inside out. [read post]
14 Apr 2010, 2:18 pm by Clifford D. Hyra
Stephen Albainy-Jenei notes a number of critical features of the proposed bill, including authorization for the USPTO to set its own fees, a move to first-to-file, raising the bar for findings of inequitable conduct and willful infringement, elimination of the best mode requirement, new pre- and post-grant review procedures, and more. [read post]
17 Mar 2010, 2:21 pm by Stephen Albainy-Jenei
Patent Baristas by Stephen Albainy-Jenei. 23. [read post]
1 Jul 2008, 3:01 pm
So, I thought I’d give everyone a shot at picking up one of the iBarista iPods from Editor-in-Chief Barista, Stephen Albainy-Jenei. [read post]
29 Sep 2008, 1:35 pm
Stephen Albainy-Jenei, at the Patent Baristas patent law blog, thinks he will like this movie.Billed as educational while also inspiring and entertaining, the early reviews have been positive. [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 8:49 am
Albainy-Jenei of the Patent Baristas Blog (a PHOSITA favorite) on “Maximizing Your Corporate Patent Portfolio and Harnessing Its Value in Changing Times”. [read post]
4 Nov 2008, 11:46 pm
  The panel includes: Stephen Albainy-Jenei • Patent Baristas, Frost Brown Todd LLC (Cincinnati, OH) Kyle Fleming •, Renner Otto Boisselle & Sklar, LLP (Cleveland, OH) Joe Mullin • The Prior Art, IP Law & Business Magazine (San Francisco, CA) Michael Smith… [read post]
23 Oct 2009, 1:52 pm by Editor
You can follow many of the hosts of Blawg Review on Twitter.Evan Schaeffer @eshaeff Ron Coleman @roncoleman Gordon Smith @gs_ Jeremy Richey @jeremyrichey Mike Cernovich @Cerno Evan Brown @internetcases Al Nye @AlanNye Kevin Heller @kevinhell George Lenard @employmentblawg Enrico Schaefer @Enrico1999 Monica Bay @commonscold Stephen Albainy-Jenei @patentbaristas Carolyn Elefant @carolynelefant Dave Gulbransen @dgulbran Tom Mighell @tommighell Craig Williams @jcraigwilliams… [read post]
11 Mar 2008, 9:36 am
" asked Stephen Albainy-Jenei, a patent lawyer and blogger.The decision was the latest in a string of successful initial rulings won by Dan Ravicher, a 30-year-old lawyer and crusader against those patents that he says are bad for the public. [read post]
14 Mar 2009, 5:35 pm by Erin-Michael Gill
Stephen Albainy-Jenei just did a good summary over at Patent Baristas of many of these cases in the context of courts dictating patent reform. [read post]
10 Nov 2008, 6:54 am
At Patent Baristas, Stephen Albainy-Jenei looks at how the new Administration might impact technology and patents in the US and improve American competitiveness. [read post]
10 Nov 2008, 4:01 pm
Albainy-Jenei • Patent Baristas, Frost Brown Todd LLC (Cincinnati, OH)Kyle B. [read post]
24 Aug 2007, 4:14 am
It is written and published by “Editor-in-Chief Barista” Stephen Albainy-Jenei, a patent attorney at Frost Brown Todd LLC. [read post]