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16 May 2017, 11:53 am
While Collins bled to death, defendant dropped his jacket and his knife near her body. [read post]
12 Sep 2014, 6:46 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Thanks to Rick Collins, Sarah Krakoff, Carla Fredericks, Kristen Carpenter, and the rest of the great people at CU. [read post]
30 Jan 2024, 1:08 pm by INFORRM
On 29 January 2024 Mrs Justice Collins Rice handed down judgment in Blake & Fox [2024] EWHC 146 (KB). [read post]
7 Jul 2016, 4:13 pm by INFORRM
Teaching academic, author of acclaimed defamation law textbooks, leading media law barrister in Australia and the UK, Dr Matt Collins QC packs a lot into his day … He agreed to spare some of his time to discuss defamation, privacy, celebrity, journalists’ sources, and free speech, just for starters GLJ: I wanted to start by asking you what you see as the major flaws in Australian defamation law, and how you might go about correcting them. [read post]
25 Aug 2016, 6:00 am by Administrator
… Part IV: The Canadian Context – Religious Persecution of Indigenous peoples In its eloquent introduction to the ground-breaking Métis rights decision in Daniels v Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada observed: “As the curtain opens wider and wider on the history of Canada’s relationship with its Indigenous peoples, inequities are increasingly revealed and remedies urgently sought. [read post]
12 Nov 2019, 3:27 pm
  Not three.Ten different Ninth Circuit judges recuse themselves from the en banc call:  Judges McKeown, Wardlaw, Bybee, Bea, Watford, Owens, Friedland, Miller, Collins, and Lee.So it's an opinion that may affect at least a nontrivial number of people in a particular socioeconomic group. [read post]
29 Mar 2013, 12:58 pm
  After all, the purpose of the fence, just like the windshield here, was in part to keep unwanted people and things out. [read post]