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6 Aug 2019, 10:03 am by Christine Corcos
Thomas, Brandon Beck, Catherine Martin Christopher, DeLeith Duke Gossett, Brie D. [read post]
2 Dec 2008, 11:53 am
The Wichita Falls Times Record News has a feature about a Clay County Justice of the Peace whose family was the last to live in the jail when he was a Clay County deputy in 1971 ("Justice recalls life in 1890 jail home," Dec. 1):[Jim] Humphrey joined the [Clay County Sheriff's] department in October 1969 as one of only two deputies under Sheriff Thomas Covington. [read post]
6 Apr 2007, 4:28 pm
The petitioner, Thomas Cress, is a Michigan state prisoner serving a life sentence for first-degree felony murder. [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 12:39 am by Lawrence Solum
Roberts began working with Associate Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel A. [read post]
8 Dec 2015, 8:31 pm by Sandy Levinson
  It is as if, say, Hubert Humphrey pledged to support George Wallace if Wallace received the Democratic nomination. [read post]
28 Dec 2020, 8:10 am by Derek T. Muller
Senator Edward Muskie was the losing vice presidential candidate, the running made of Hubert Humphrey. [read post]
20 Jul 2020, 9:05 pm by Bernard W. Bell
The five conservative justices sought to limit Humphrey’s Executor, with Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Neil Gorsuch, urging its complete abandonment. [read post]
11 Oct 2015, 10:48 pm by Patricia Salkin
The plaintiffs, 347 Humphrey Street, LLC, Rosemarie Morgan, and Thomas Morgillo, thereafter appealed from that decision to the Superior Court. [read post]
In Seila Law, Thomas was joined by Gorsuch in a dissent which argued for overturning Humphrey’s Executor entirely and eliminating all for-cause removal protections. [read post]
24 Aug 2007, 11:57 am
Legal blog updates for August 24 include: Idaho attorney Thomas G. [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 6:53 pm by Chris Borgen
Holland, 1874-1910 Sir Henry Erle Richards, 1911-1922 James Leslie Brierly, 1922-1947 Sir Humphrey Waldock, 1947 D.P. [read post]
5 Nov 2008, 12:56 am
Weideman of Carlton DiSante & Freudenberger in the firm's California Labor & Employment Law Blog Is It Civil Or Is It Limited to Criminal - Beyond RICO - Idaho lawyer Thomas Walker of Cosho Humphrey in his RICO Law Blog Election Day in Iowa: Know Your Rights - West Des Moines attorney Benjamin Clark of Sullivan & Ward on the firm's Iowa Law Blog Election Day Blawg Review - Illinois lawyer R. [read post]