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19 Nov 2010, 5:32 am by Transplanted Lawyer
Ahmed Ghaliani was accused of being a significant participant in the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States embassy complexes in Kenya and Tanzania. [read post]
27 Mar 2023, 12:30 pm by Kathryn Briuglio
, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit addressed whether, under federal admiralty law, a choice-of-law clause in a maritime contract can be rendered unenforceable if enforcement is contrary to the “strong public policy” of the state whose law is displaced by the clause. [read post]
27 Mar 2023, 12:30 pm by Kathryn Bruiglio
, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit addressed whether, under federal admiralty law, a choice-of-law clause in a maritime contract can be rendered unenforceable if enforcement is contrary to the “strong public policy” of the state whose law is displaced by the clause. [read post]
In a much-anticipated decision, the United States Supreme Court held that choice-of-law provisions in marine insurance contracts are presumptively enforceable under federal maritime law with a few narrow exceptions. [read post]
28 Dec 2018, 4:04 pm
In the United States Court of Federal Claims No. 17-421 Filed: December 27, 2018 ALICE KIMBLE, Plaintiff, v. [read post]
17 Oct 2013, 10:49 am by Wanda Gomez
Photo by Steve Barrett On March 18, 2013, a Petition for Writ of Certiorari was granted in the case of United States v. [read post]
22 Jan 2013, 4:29 pm by Mary Whisner
These are among the helpful subject headings: Pro-choice movement -- United States. [read post]
4 Aug 2009, 12:09 am
The case arose out of class action litigation presently pending in the United States. [read post]
27 Jun 2013, 8:03 am by Gregory Forman
To the surprise of no one who has been paying attention, the June 26, 2013 United States Supreme Court opinions in the cases of United States v. [read post]