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28 Mar 2024, 12:05 pm by Eugene Volokh
From Third Circuit Judge Cheryl Krause's dissent from denial of rehearing en banc yesterday in Lara v. [read post]
7 Jun 2022, 4:30 am by Karen Tani
Howell Williams, Western Connecticut State University, “Workers Built Danbury: Deindustrialized Memory in a Hatting Town”Josh Kluever, Binghamton University (SUNY), “Sorry Waldman, We Just Couldn’t Help It: Socialist State Legislators in New York, 1912-1922”CARCERAL STATE, CARCERAL SOCIETYModerator: Elizabeth Hinton, Yale University Panelists: Max Felker-Kantor, Ball State University, “Arresting the Demand for Drugs: DARE and the Politics of Supply and Demand… [read post]
23 Mar 2010, 3:09 pm by Kashmir Hill & Elie Mystal
What New Yorkers spend on taxi rides in a month would pay the rent on a Logan Circle studio in D.C. [read post]
4 Apr 2012, 7:04 am by David Bernstein
Merely pointing out that states don’t always follow one’s policy preferences is hardly a strong argument against federalism. (2) Professor Logan Sawyer of the University of Georgia Law School coincidentally has an excellent piece out on SSRN about the origins of Court’s holding in Hammer v. [read post]
12 Mar 2023, 9:31 am by Dave Maass
To the hundreds of pages of colorful paintings and drawings created by Gitmo prisoners, the military added hundreds of little white redactions. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 9:55 am by Geoffrey Rapp
Holthaus,, Jr., Note, Ed O’Bannon v. [read post]
30 Oct 2022, 10:01 am by jonathanturley
Here is my annual list of Halloween torts and crimes. [read post]
17 May 2011, 5:42 am by Mandelman
Insiders Include: Former Vice-President and General Counsel for Saxon Mortgage (now Morgan Stanley) (Dick Shepherd); Former Assistant General Counsel at Ocwen Financial Corporation and Department Manager of a major plaintiff’s foreclosure firm (Margery Golant); Former Managing Director and General Counsel for ACA Capital Holdings and CIFG Group and Deputy General Counsel at FitchRatings (Kathleen Cully) Former Vice President at New Century Mortgage in charge of document production and imaging… [read post]