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18 Oct 2007, 9:01 am
  A Call for the Re-Assessment of Statutes that Allow for the Elimination of Personal Liability for Directors,  Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law, Vol.9, Fall 2007. [read post]
27 Dec 2011, 6:13 am by Kiera Flynn
Bentley Docket: 11-157   Issue: Can the Alabama courts deny petitioners due process through state interpretation of common law res judicata that defies this Court’s unanimous reversals of similar Alabama decisions in Richards v. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Glenn Cohen CohenProf Harvard Julie  Cohen  julie17usc  Georgetown David Cole DavidColeGtown Georgetown James Coleman energylawprf Calgary Jennifer Collins jmcollinsSMULaw SMU Richard Collins DrRichCollins Univ College Dublin Sutherland James P. [read post]
31 Jan 2022, 10:47 am by Will Baude
Christakis, Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science, Yale University Richard W. [read post]
6 Jun 2018, 4:29 am by Edith Roberts
At PrawfsBlawg, Richard Re remarks that although “the justices ultimately chose not to address the precedential significance of 4-1-4 decisions,” “the Court’s ruling still managed to undermine one of the main defenses of the Marks rule” for extracting precedent from fragmented opinions, which finds the Marks rule “desirable because it aligns with the ‘predictive model’ of precedent, whereby lower courts strive to predict the… [read post]
3 Sep 2014, 4:29 am by SHG
If this is the best we can expect of good government, we’re doomed. [read post]
10 Oct 2021, 9:01 pm by Austin Sarat and Dennis Aftergut
” (Reminiscent of Richard Nixon’s Watergate-era speech in which he said, “I am not a crook. [read post]
11 Jan 2023, 11:33 am by Will Baude
The underpinning of many modern standing decisions, argues Professor Richard Re, is the "most interested plaintiff rule. [read post]
23 Sep 2022, 7:00 am by Josh Blackman
You've all heard of the "shadow docket," a term Will Baude coined nearly a decade ago. [read post]
22 Jul 2024, 5:32 am by Josh Blackman
One last chance, as Richard Re might call it. [read post]
28 Dec 2024, 10:03 pm by Josh Blackman
Last week, Will Baude and Richard Re suggested that Trump should file an amicus brief in the case, and perhaps the Court could even call for his views: The statute effectively banning TikTok goes into effect on January 19, the day before President-Elect Donald Trump is slated to begin his second presidential term. [read post]