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3 Jun 2023, 6:10 am
Danya Perry (@Edanyaperry), Joshua Stanton (@StantonLaw) and Joshua Kolb (@JoshuaGKolb) Gender Persecution The ICC’s 2022 Gender Persecution Policy in Context: An Important Next Step Forward by Yvonne Dutton and Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio) Gender Persecution: Why Labels Matter by Michelle Jarvis Dusting Off the Law Books on the Crime of Gender Persecution by Lisa Davis (@lisadavisnyc) Autonomous Weapons Cluster Munition Convention Offers Roadmap for New Autonomous Weapons… [read post]
3 Jun 2023, 5:00 am
Danya Perry (@Edanyaperry), Joshua Stanton (@StantonLaw) and Joshua Kolb (@JoshuaGKolb) Gender Persecution The ICC’s 2022 Gender Persecution Policy in Context: An Important Next Step Forward by Yvonne Dutton and Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio) Gender Persecution: Why Labels Matter by Michelle Jarvis Dusting Off the Law Books on the Crime of Gender Persecution by Lisa Davis (@lisadavisnyc) Autonomous Weapons Cluster Munition Convention Offers Roadmap for New Autonomous Weapons… [read post]
3 Sep 2022, 7:51 am
Trump Documents Investigation Assessing Trump’s Claim of “Executive Privilege” on FBI Access to MAL Docs by Michael Stern (@mls1776) A Damage Assessment of Trump’s ‘Declassification Defense’ by George Croner (@GeorgeCroner) Pakistan Floods Amid Devastating Floods, Pakistan’s Leaders Must Learn from the Past to Avoid Future Mistakes by Jumaina Siddiqui (@jumainasiddiqui) Russia – Ukraine The War in Ukraine and the Legitimacy of the International… [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 5:16 pm
Models of Responsibility, Consumerism and Blame Mar. 19 Emily Morris (IU McKinney) Mar. 26 Julie Lawton (DePaul) Mar. 28 Ronald Krotoszynski (Alabama) Apr. 2 Ediberto Roman (FIU) Apr. 9 Yvonne Dutton (IU McKinney) Apr. 16 George Edwards (IU McKinney) [read post]
8 Apr 2023, 6:13 am
Williams (@PaulWilliamsDC), Yvonne Dutton and Milena Sterio (@MilenaSterio) Expert Q&A on IHL Compliance in Russia’s War in Ukraine with Jelena Pejic Trump Manhattan Investigation The Broad Scope of “Intent to Defraud” in the New York Crime of Falsifying Business Records by Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw), Norman L. [read post]
22 Jul 2020, 7:25 am
Dutton, Sheila R. [read post]
27 Jan 2007, 8:01 am
Juvenile Justice and Family Issues Houston Democrat Harold Dutton will chair what must rank among the oddest of all the Craddick appointment decisions - a nine member, ALL DEMOCRAT Juvenile Justice and Family Issues committee! [read post]
12 Apr 2007, 5:05 am
What a terrific legislative moment - a rare occasion when public debate on the floor actually changed hearts and minds at the eleventh hour, killing a truly bad bill that offended both reason and liberty.I turned it on late so I didn't hear all the debate this morning, but I was pleased to find Reps Turner, Chavez, Hodge, Castro, Olivo, Coleman, Dukes, Puente, Farias, Alonzo, Escobar, Bolton, Miles, Veasey, Giddings, and most especially Senfronia Thompson and Harold Dutton all doing a… [read post]
16 Jun 2012, 2:00 am
Yvonne Dutton will start a tenure-track position as an Associate Professor of Law at Indiana University Robert H. [read post]
21 Feb 2019, 11:22 am
Yvonne Davis filed HB 1240 adjusting the penalty for misdemeanor three strikes theft. [read post]
21 Jul 2023, 6:05 am
(See the earlier post in this series by Yvonne Dutton and Milena Sterio for an explanation.) [read post]
8 Jul 2019, 10:00 am
Sutton’s article Asynchronous, E-Learning Education: A Comparative Study 6-12 is cited in the following article: Yvonne M. [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 7:17 pm
Doucette, Paul Dowell, Al Dowski, Denise Doyle, Ed Doyle, Sophie Dratt, Tara Driver, Dana Droter, Matt Dubois, Marianna Dundas, Bob Durgy, Amy Dutcher, Gordon Dutton, Tom N. [read post]
14 Apr 2023, 7:32 am
This is evident in both the U.S. proposal pronounced by Ambassador Beth Van Schaack and a recent post by Michael Scharf, Paul Williams, Milena Sterio and Yvonne Dutton of the Public International Law and Policy Group, (PILPG). [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 11:06 am
It is my immense honor to welcome all of you to the 2012 American Society of International Law Midyear Meeting, to be held October 19 to 21 here in the great southeastern state of Georgia. [read post]
30 Sep 2022, 4:00 am
National/Federal Brooklyn’s Library Moves to Slip Books Through Red State Bans MSN – Madina Touré (Politico) | Published: 9/24/2022 The front line of America’s culture war now runs straight through the nation’s school libraries, with conservatives in dozens of states outlawing books and instruction and the left working to shield targeted authors. [read post]