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16 Apr 2008, 5:20 am
"Other divorce experts worry this could spell bad news for Walsh-Smith. [read post]
24 Feb 2025, 4:09 am by Greg Lambert
And we’re one year, yeah, we’re one year further down the road on that. [read post]
31 Jan 2023, 10:30 am by Jack Bogdanski
That guy Marty Smith over at the Weed cracks me up. [read post]
In keeping with the continued efforts of the White House to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba, the United States recently modified its stance on travel to Cuba and eased certain export restrictions. [read post]
2 Feb 2016, 8:26 am by Associated Press
The agency said in a statement Tuesday that investigators have identified a suspect in the beating death last month of 58-year-old Glenn Smith. [read post]
18 May 2010, 9:48 pm
In Multnomah County, the open county commission seat will be filled by an African-American woman, but we're not sure if it's going to be Karol Collymore (Jeff Cogen aide) or Loretta Smith (Ron Wyden aide). [read post]
19 Feb 2003, 8:24 pm
[JURIST] New and interesting Opinions issued Wednesday included In re: Initial Public Offering Securities Litigation [PDF text], a decision by Judge Shira Scheidlin of US District Court for the Southern District of New York [official website] refusing to throw out an investor lawsuit accusing Citigroup's Salomon Smith Barney, Goldman Sachs Group and 53 other investment banks of rigging hundreds [read post]
17 Feb 2011, 8:29 am by Bankruptcy Prof
From: "Steve Smith" To: Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 9:31:58 AM Subject: [cdcbaa] Re: Big MERS decision This is a follow-up piece on the decision, from the Wall Street Journal: The actual holding of the case granted... [read post]
20 Oct 2009, 12:29 pm
Recently I posted a Blog on the unfavorable In re Martinez decision recently handed down by the Ninth Circuit BAP on October 5, 2009. [read post]
26 Feb 2020, 4:13 pm
Jane Lambert Chancery Division (Mr Justice Marcus Smith) Asia Standard Management Services Ltd v Standard International Management LLC [2020] EWHC 28 (Ch) (25 Feb 2020) This was an appeal from the decision of Mr George Salthouse dated 6 March 2019 in Re ASIA STANDARD, Asia Standard Management Services Ltd v Standard International Management LLC BL O/125/19, 6 March 2019 allowing an opposition [read post]
14 Jun 2011, 7:55 am by Brian Leiter
Reader Joshua Smith sends the latest from Jeff Culbreath, who embodies what's wrong with the world; fresh from rallying the Christian Taliban to purge the Muslims, he's now going after women, inspired by Catholic University's re-instatement of single-sex dormitories: [I]t's... [read post]
1 Jul 2015, 2:43 pm by Jon Sands
In re United States, No. 14-70486 (M. [read post]
18 May 2011, 8:40 am
An alert reader sends along an e-mail message from his state representative, Jefferson Smith, which includes this news: We can't maintain what we have, but we're building more? [read post]
13 Sep 2014, 4:55 pm by Andrew Delaney
In re Smith, Esq., 2014 VT 77 (mem.)By Jeffrey M. [read post]