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13 Oct 2008, 4:09 pm
On this view, Blackstone was as important to our Constitution as James Madison or Alexander Hamilton. [read post]
30 Sep 2011, 12:01 am
Hamilton Bank of Johnson City, 473 U.S. 172 (1985). [read post]
23 Jul 2010, 8:51 am
Other celebrity divorce settlements rounding out the top twelve include: Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey ($150 million), Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving ($100 million), Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison ($85 million), Kevin Costner and Cindy Silva ($80 million), Madonna and Guy Ritchie ($76 to $92 million), Paul McCartney and Heather Mills ($60 million), James Cameron and Linda Hamilton ($50 million), Michael Douglas and Diandra Douglas ($45 million and two homes), Lionel Richie… [read post]
11 Apr 2011, 11:10 am
Kesan & Atsushi Ohyama New York’s Roadmap for Reducing Greenhouse Gases in the Transportation Sector James M. [read post]
30 Mar 2018, 7:46 pm
Restaurant Location Address Deco’s Deli & Lounge 77 James Street N. [read post]
4 Jul 2008, 11:41 pm
Consider, for starters, that modern SCOTUS appointments are usually older individuals even though, as detailed here, the "average age of the delegates [at the Constitutional Convention] was 42 and four of the most influential delegates -- Alexander Hamilton, Edmund Randolph, Gouvernor Morris and James Madison -- were in their thirties. [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 6:00 am
Heather walked away with $48.6 million 7 - James Cameron and Linda Hamilton hold some of 'Titanic's' 11 Oscars in 1998. [read post]
15 Aug 2011, 4:00 am
Conkle, James G. [read post]
29 Dec 2015, 3:53 am
” Briefly: At Hamilton and Griffin on Rights, Jeffrey Stempel looks back at Franchise Tax Board of California v. [read post]
28 Apr 2008, 11:01 pm
" Echoing that idea, Clear Thinkers favorite James Hamilton writes about one of the underlying economic reasons for food riots that are occurring in developing nations in some parts of the world: As a result of ethanol subsidies and mandates, the dollar value of what we ourselves throw away in order to produce fuel in this fashion could be 50% greater than the value of the fuel itself. [read post]
8 Jan 2023, 8:39 am
Darrick Hamilton, Thomas W. [read post]
14 Dec 2024, 4:39 am
Kramer and Ambassador (ret) Ian Kelly (@ikelly731) Western Balkans Biden’s Unfinished Business: A Bridge to Shore Up a European Flank – in the Balkans by Kurt Bassuener (@KurtBassuener) Immigration The Public Framing of Mass Deportation by Adam Cox (@adambcox) and Ryan Goodman CIA / Havana Syndrome The Right Questions on Havana Syndrome and Where to Go from Here by James Petrilla Africa / Sanctions The First Trump Administration Used Sanctions Effectively in Africa. [read post]
23 Aug 2015, 10:30 pm
From UNLV, Dan Hamilton, Ann McGinley, Jeff Stempel and Jean Sternlight are participating. [read post]
20 Jun 2007, 1:10 pm
He blew off James Baker and Lee Hamilton so that he could give speeches in South Korea and attend fundraisers for Ralph Reed in Atlanta? [read post]
18 Feb 2011, 11:33 am
Dickey (Mets), Josh Hamilton (Rangers), Jason Hammel (Rockies), Carlos Marmol (Cubs), Wandy Rodriguez (Astros), and Rickie Weeks (Brewers)Above the midpoint (7) - Craig Breslow (A’s), Jason Frasor (Blue Jays), Kelly Johnson (Diamondbacks), Miguel Montero (Diamondbacks), Mike Napoli (Rangers), Darren O’Day (Rangers), and Luke Scott (Orioles)At the midpoint (4) - Jeremy Guthrie (Orioles), Francisco Liriano (Twins), Kevin Slowey (Twins), and Andres Torres (Giants)Below the midpoint… [read post]
27 Jul 2024, 5:58 am
Nixon at Fifty: Why Judge Cannon Is Wrong About the Attorney General’s Authority to Select a Special Counsel by Marty Lederman (@marty_lederman) US Hostage Policy Since James Foley’s Death, a `Moral Awakening’ in America on Hostages Held Abroad by Diane Foley (@FoleyDi) FBI and Social Media Dept of Justice Promises to Declassify Standard Operating Procedure for Coordinating with Social Media Platforms by Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) Human Rights Enforcement in U.S. [read post]
10 Sep 2007, 6:00 am
Calabresi and James Lindgren of Northwestern University Law School, Supreme Court justices served an average of just under 15 years, with vacancies on the court occurring about once every 2 years. [read post]
29 Oct 2012, 2:03 pm
James Ardaiz has this op-ed in the Sunday LA Times on Proposition 34. [read post]
25 May 2011, 8:30 am
(updated)Upcoming events:Honouring Refugee Rights: 60th Anniversary of the Refugee Convention, Hamilton, 26-28 May 2011 [info]- Canadian Council for Refugees Spring Consultation.Saving International Refugee Law, Dublin, 13 June 2011 [info]- Hosted by the Irish Refugee Council, this seminar with James Hathaway will look "at the crisis in the international refugee systems and offer suggestions for solutions. [read post]
4 Mar 2011, 6:10 am
- Globe and Mail judge stays his ruling against health care law against Graham James remanded again experts warn the next big threat is on mobile phones and attacks beginning's Belching After DWI Arrest Held Conscious Avoidance of Alcotest faces prison sentence for theft of online poker chips Toronto lawyer stars on… [read post]