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20 Aug 2016, 1:00 am by The Public Employment Law Press
Jury to decide By Marjorie Johnson, J.D.A jury will decide whether a university’s decision to require a professor to undergo a mental fitness-for-duty examination was job-related and consistent with business necessity, and thus lawful under the Rehabilitation Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. [read post]
18 Sep 2019, 1:18 am by UKSC Live Blogging
He appears to be conveying the importance of the view from the Inner House of the Court of Session. 1421: Aidan O’Neill QC says we are faced with a country that is afraid to know itself. [read post]
27 Apr 2014, 10:51 am by Timothy P. Flynn
In Johnson v Byron, Father successfully utilized the "she was giving-up the baby anyway" argument, a commonly un-persuasive assertion, but one that prevailed in both the Ottawa Family Court and the Michigan Court of Appeals, presumably due to the unusually dysfunctional parental dynamics [i.e. a concealed pregnancy, expedited adoption, heroin, marijuana, pills, booze, the works].The new law calls for the child to be returned to the Mother upon Father's filing of a… [read post]
6 Oct 2015, 4:30 am by Darryl Hutcheson, Matrix
This important decision provides much-needed clarification on how “vulnerability” is to be determined both by housing officers and by courts. [read post]
5 Nov 2014, 4:46 am by Amy Howe
  The second argument is in Johnson v. [read post]