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21 Nov 2011, 8:05 am by Carolyn Elefant
No, I’m not an apologist for legal education like the academics quoted by Scott – certainly there are many ways to inject reality into the legal educational process. [read post]
25 May 2015, 4:00 am by John Gillies
” The article notes that both Riverview Law and BLP Legal Risk Consultancy, an offshoot of UK law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner, are seeking to develop legal AI tool “to ensure that lawyers spend less time understanding what is, in effect, administrative work and more time using their legal skills to offer clients high-level analysis and advice. [read post]
4 Dec 2018, 10:22 am by Matthew Scott Johnson
The Texas Bar College is an honorary society of lawyers, chartered by the Supreme Court of Texas in 1981, to recognize and encourage lawyers who maintain and enhance their professional skills and the quality of their service to the public by completing at least double the required hours of continuing legal education each year. [read post]
17 Nov 2010, 7:58 pm by admin
” (pdf) – hat tip: Legal Skills Prof Blog – Newton: Macs in Law Offices: A Rising Trend? [read post]
11 Dec 2008, 4:31 pm
Technolawyer offered up some iPhone shortcuts (Blackberry users can look here) and the Legal Writing Prof Blog mentiond Dan’s tips. [read post]
2 Nov 2011, 2:21 pm by David Lat
[Legal Skills Prof Blog] * Says Elie: “Some say WVU’s lawsuit against the Big East reflects ‘arrogance. [read post]
5 Nov 2010, 1:21 pm by StephanieWestAllen
From Legal Writing Prof Blog: The President of the Legal Writing Institute, Ken Chestek, has just released this announcement: "It give me great pleasure to announce that the 2011 recipient of LWI's Golden Pen Award is Prof. [read post]
7 Nov 2011, 10:40 am
" "Nothing more fully explains Lincoln's judgment, political philosophy, rhetorical skill and leadership than what he learned and did as a day to day lawyer. [read post]
19 Nov 2014, 6:40 am
Reines included statements of experts in legal ethics to support his arguments. [read post]
17 Mar 2013, 11:22 am
This document provides a synthesis of the legal analysis and the empirical data presented in the other two studies. [read post]