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28 Dec 2017, 11:15 am by skelly
  The most notable of these is the Thomas fire, which continues to threaten Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, areas northwest of Los Angeles. [read post]
29 Jun 2009, 12:01 pm
Jerry Gonzalez, president of Maria Elena’s Authentic Latino Inc., located on Avenue Sherman, said he applauded the district for doing the right thing. [read post]
20 Oct 2013, 10:02 pm by Dan Flynn
They’ve sued PrimusLabs, the Santa Maria, CA-based food-safety consultant that provides “internationally recognized audits” for food producers such as Jensen Farms. [read post]
24 Aug 2010, 6:00 am by
O sistema integrado e informatizado, já utilizado pelos governos de Santa Catarina e do Espírito Santo, garante a digitalização de comprovantes para consultas futuras. [read post]
13 Feb 2020, 11:16 am by Mark Theodore and Rachel Therese Gulotta
Background In November 2011, the union filed a petition to represent the five health and safety specialists (HSS Specialists) working at the employer’s Santa Maria, California oil and gas refinery. [read post]
21 Nov 2024, 9:42 am by Jennifer Davis
He married Maria Dolores Abeita when he was 17 and they had five sons. [read post]
24 Feb 2012, 3:02 pm
Então disse ao seu pai que estava decidida a fazer o curso e precisava se mudar para Santa Maria, mas seu pai sugeriu que ela cursasse Direito. [read post]
13 Jun 2013, 8:22 am by Cathy
Day 1: In the beginning (San Francisco to Santa Cruz – 82.5 miles) At mile 0. [read post]
29 Apr 2024, 5:31 pm
Papers can include both explorations of cultural representations of corporate imaginaries, as well as corporate or legal instantiations of cultural imaginaries.Empire’s Debtscapes: Reparations, Decolonisation, and Possibilities for JusticeConvenor:  Maria Giannacopoulos (University of New South Wales) Contact:  Maria Giannacopoulos ( In the settler colony or colonial debtscape of Australia (although there are many others)… [read post]
1 Aug 2022, 5:17 pm
Dominguez, Harvard University (retired), “Whatever It Takes: The Cuban Leadership’s Regime Stabilizing Strategies, 2020-2022” Enrique Pumar, Fay Boyle University Professor, Santa Clara University, "The Persistent Social Dilemmas of the Revolution"   12:00 noon-1 p.m. [read post]
17 Mar 2020, 1:23 pm by Derek T. Muller
Six years ago, I noted that around 30 law schools had become “more affordable” over the a three-year period. [read post]
25 Oct 2021, 10:22 am by Derek T. Muller
USNWR debt rank Average debt rank 2019 debt-to-income ratio Debt-to-income rank BYU 4 2 0.76 1 Cornell 104 117 0.78 2 Northwestern 137 146 0.78 3 Stanford 100 113 0.80 4 Harvard 168 171 0.82 5 Duke 126 135 0.83 6 Penn 131 141 0.84 7 Virginia 133 139 0.90 8 Chicago 166 164 0.90 9 Hastings 122 122 0.94 10 Iowa 70 75 0.94 11 Washington University 25 35 0.94 12 Columbia 175 178 0.95 … [read post]
21 Nov 2019, 6:03 am by Derek T. Muller
The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted data disclosures from the Department of Education concerning debt and income outcomes of graduates across a variety of metrics—institutions, majors, degrees, and so on. [read post]
2 May 2023, 10:04 am by Derek T. Muller
In late 2020, I last blogged about the “debt-to-income” ratio of recent law school graduates.The Department of Education offers data with incredible insights into debt and earnings of university graduates. [read post]
2 May 2023, 10:04 am by Derek T. Muller
In late 2020, I last blogged about the “debt-to-income” ratio of recent law school graduates.The Department of Education offers data with incredible insights into debt and earnings of university graduates. [read post]
25 Oct 2021, 10:22 am by Derek T. Muller
USNWR debt rank Average debt rank 2019 debt-to-income ratio Debt-to-income rank BYU 4 2 0.76 1 Cornell 104 117 0.78 2 Northwestern 137 146 0.78 3 Stanford 100 113 0.80 4 Harvard 168 171 0.82 5 Duke 126 135 0.83 6 Penn 131 141 0.84 7 Virginia 133 139 0.90 8 Chicago 166 164 0.90 9 Hastings 122 122 0.94 10 Iowa 70 75 0.94 11 Washington University 25 35 0.94 12 Columbia 175 178 0.95 … [read post]
22 Oct 2018, 8:50 am by Kevin Kaufman
Santa Maria Measure U: Increase the sales tax from 8 percent to 9 percent. [read post]