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10 Apr 2018, 9:01 pm by Neil H. Buchanan
The Supreme Court has now heard oral arguments in two gerrymandering cases this term, and the world wonders whether Justice Anthony Kennedy will at last carry through on his suggestion in 2004’s Vieth v. [read post]
10 Dec 2008, 12:07 am
Especially if it denies people's civil rights.I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard's and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. [read post]
13 Jul 2016, 12:03 pm by Michael Lowe
The Federal Government’s Heroin Fight Meanwhile, the White House is definitely acting on heroin use in this country. [read post]
18 Oct 2009, 9:03 am
Having grown up in Tyler, the passing of the late, great federal Judge William Wayne Justice last week hit very close to home.For readers of this blog, Judge Justice will be best known as the jurist who virtually controlled the Texas prison system for nearly two decades in the aftermath of the infamous Ruiz v. [read post]
12 May 2022, 12:45 pm by The Petrie-Flom Center Staff
  Today, the maternal mortality rate for Native women is 1.2 times the rate for non-Hispanic white women. [read post]
5 Mar 2008, 11:55 am
(2) During arguments, Justice Carlos Moreno had an interesting exchange that had echoes of Brown v. [read post]
22 Nov 2008, 5:27 pm
 In Spirit of the Sage Council, et al. v. [read post]
30 Nov 2010, 8:24 am by T Fifty
Also, there was a glaring white space on my resume where it should have read “offer received. [read post]
4 Apr 2007, 9:15 pm
I'm against that war in particular, and I don't think people ought to participate in it. [read post]