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27 May 2012, 8:23 am by Charon QC
Jaguar Shoes v Jaguar Cars: Blame It On The Lawyers! [read post]
13 Oct 2022, 6:05 am by Joseph Margulies
Habib, who is Australian, had been one of the four petitioners in Rasul v. [read post]
14 Mar 2024, 5:50 am by Harold Hongju Koh
I befriended a young international law student, Tata Marharian, who escorted me around Kyiv. [read post]
17 May 2009, 1:43 pm
Our very survival has never required greater cooperation and understanding among all people from all places than at this moment in history. [read post]
23 Mar 2011, 4:30 am
Over 20 million people visited an experimental web page of which 0.6% of unique visitors interacted with the icon. [read post]
28 Dec 2015, 2:51 am by Ben
In Europe, The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that the consent of a copyright holder does not cover the distribution of an object incorporating a work where that object has been altered after its initial marketing to such an extent that it constitutes a new reproduction of that work (Case C‑419/13, Art & Allposters International BV v Stichting Pictoright) with Eleonora opining that the decision means that that there is no such thing as a general principle of… [read post]
5 Feb 2007, 7:43 am
I was walking past a table in the Michigan Law Library when a fellow seated there, who in our first year had finished second in our class out of almost 400 people, asked me whether I might have any ideas he could use. [read post]
3 Nov 2023, 3:01 pm by Daniel J. Gilman
” And yet, we the people persisted; and rumors of the death of the internet have been greatly exaggerated. [read post]
28 Jul 2020, 9:21 am by familoo
v=F69DQupMiZM (the above is a clip of the Homer moment that I’m thinking of, but my embed function is a bit glitchy so you may need to click and view it on the youtube site to watch). [read post]
6 Nov 2015, 6:14 am by Jim Sedor
Before he ever took his first law class, he served as his own lawyer, filing the original complaint in what is now called Shapiro v. [read post]
10 May 2018, 4:12 am by SHG
” (This push gained little traction; but Chief Justice John Roberts, who helped draft the measure as a young administration staffer, would go on to pen the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Herring v. [read post]
7 Nov 2014, 3:22 pm by Gary P. Rodrigues
Sharpe and Patricia McMahonMisconceptions: Unmarried Motherhood and the Children of Unmarried Parents Act by Lori ChambersThe Alberta Supreme Court at 100: History & Authority edited by Jonathan SwaingerMy Life in Crime and Other Academic Adventures by Martin Friedland 2006Magistrates, Police & People: Everyday Criminal Justice in Quebec and Lower Canada, 1764-1837 by Donald FysonThe Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba 1870- 1950: A Biographical History by Dale BrawnR.C.B. [read post]
14 Jun 2010, 8:43 am by Steve Hall
He said he believes he could help young people avoid making the kind of mistakes that landed him on death row. [read post]