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15 Oct 2012, 8:13 am by Charles Johnson
The Federal crime of Money Laundering is traditionally understood to be the practice of filtering “dirty” money, or ill-gotten gains, through a series of transactions until the funds are “clean,” or appear to be proceeds from legal activities. [read post]
3 Mar 2023, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal Indian Americans Rapidly Climbing Political Ranks DNyuz – Maggie Astor and Jill Cowan (New York Times) | Published: 2/27/2023 Despite being one of the largest immigrant groups in the U.S., Americans of Indian descent in 20123 were barely represented in politics. [read post]
20 Apr 2024, 6:37 pm
-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created by the United States Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor, investigate, and submit to Congress an annual report on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, and to provide recommendations, where appropriate, to Congress for legislative and administrative action. [read post]
29 Dec 2021, 9:22 am by Bob Ambrogi
., where my office is located, people speak often of the Perfect Storm of 1991. [read post]
29 Dec 2021, 9:22 am by Bob Ambrogi
., where my office is located, people speak often of the Perfect Storm of 1991. [read post]
12 Jul 2017, 3:50 am by Kevin LaCroix
Ransomware attacks target the most vulnerable part of a company’s computer networks: people. [read post]
1 Dec 2013, 3:50 am
In a prior post I noted the upcoming Second Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, of the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, will be held in Geneva 2-4 December 2013. [read post]
26 Jun 2022, 12:28 am by Bill Henderson
  People came rushing in to buy land, and an era started to pass. [read post]
9 Jul 2014, 1:15 pm by Charles (Chuck) Rubin
    These changes will help focus this program on people seeking certainty and relief from criminal prosecution.... [read post]
31 Aug 2011, 10:27 am by Badrinath Srinivasan
More focused arbitration – covering price-adjustment clauses – is common even in the largest private target bids. [read post]
18 Dec 2023, 2:48 pm by CFM Admin
December 18, 2023 Clients, Friends, and Associates: As we near the end of 2023, we have highlighted some recent industry developments that will likely impact many of our clients. [read post]
24 Mar 2010, 3:17 pm by Adam Thierer
By Adam Thierer & Berin Szoka As we mentioned yesterday, in a new series of essays, we will be examining proposals being put forward today that would have the government play a greater role in sustaining struggling media enterprises, “saving journalism,” or promoting more “public interest” content. [read post]
1 Feb 2013, 12:21 pm by legaleaseckut
Langevin said he is not a lawyer but a private citizen, he mentions, however, have a good experience in applications since the 2000s, indicating that these refer disputes between other four situations: a) the fact that he fell into a trap of misinformation, as a breeding boar he had; b) the fact that his brother [11] has sold his farm without administrator permission; c) the fact that people in authority, for the Queen had been “six false psychologist” on it and have tried to… [read post]
22 Jan 2024, 9:01 pm by renholding
You are probably well acquainted with its successor, rule 506.[2] Prior to the adoption of former rule 146 in April 1974, the Commission did not have rules interpreting section 4(2) of the Securities Act.[3] As a result, issuers faced uncertainty in determining whether a sale of securities did not involve “any public offering” and in applying case law on the topic, including the Supreme Court’s decision in SEC v. [read post]
1 Feb 2013, 12:21 pm by legaleaseckut
Langevin said he is not a lawyer but a private citizen, he mentions, however, have a good experience in applications since the 2000s, indicating that these refer disputes between other four situations: a) the fact that he fell into a trap of misinformation, as a breeding boar he had; b) the fact that his brother [11] has sold his farm without administrator permission; c) the fact that people in authority, for the Queen had been “six false psychologist” on it and have tried to… [read post]
18 Mar 2020, 7:28 pm by Chris Castle
  A “Force Majeure Event” is defined as acts, omissions, accidents and events which are beyond the reasonable control of the party claiming Force Majeure and which prohibit that party’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement including, without limitation, (i) acts of God, (ii) strikes or labor disruptions in the metropolitan area where the Event is scheduled to be held, (iii) civil riots or disturbances in the metropolitan area where the Event is scheduled to be… [read post]
4 Jan 2017, 3:55 pm by nedaj January 4, 2016 Clients, Friends, Associates:While the holiday season is a cause for celebration and reflection, it is also the busiest time of the year for most investment managers. [read post]