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21 Jul 2023, 6:43 am by Jonathan H. Adler
For instance, a wave of post-liberal scholars, such as Adrian Vermeule, have suggested that laws should be interpreted to promote the "common good. [read post]
12 May 2010, 4:10 pm by Sandy Levinson
Posner is surely the only judge who's ever written a major book entitled "Overcoming Law," another book much worth discussing, as are recent books written by such denizens of the Harvard faculty as Laurence Tribe, Charles Fried, Adrian Vermeule, Mark Tushnet, and Jack Goldsmith, the last three of whom were hired during her Deanship. [read post]
2 Aug 2010, 2:18 pm by Duncan Hollis
And the rest of the speech continues in a similar vein, with Justice Ginsberg raising and then contesting the views of foreign/international law opponents (including Justice Scalia, Judge Richard Posner, and Professors Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule) while citing a series of “examples” of recent cases where the Court reached a decision with the aid of foreign and international law sources (e.g., Atkins v. [read post]
13 Jan 2023, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  Indeed, if any call for Dworkinian-style interpretation gains broad traction in the years just ahead, I expect it to be Adrian Vermeule’s advocacy of “common good constitutionalism” rooted in the values of the natural law tradition. [read post]
20 Aug 2013, 9:00 pm by Michael C. Dorf
Accordingly, I agree with many of the descriptive claims that law professors Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule make in their book, The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Principle. [read post]
2 Jul 2007, 9:46 am
Adrian Vermeule, otro de los escritores superprolíficos del aparato académico estadounidense, se pregunta en este paper del Stanford Law Review sobre eventuales ventajas de integrar "legos" a la Corte Suprema. [read post]
9 Apr 2023, 6:00 am by Lawrence Solum
Elizabeth Garrett and Adrian Vermeule, Transparency in the Budget Process (September 3, 2006) (This entry was last revised on Introduction Sooner or later, most law students encounter the idea that "transparency" (as opposed to "opaqueness") is (all else being equal) a desirable characteristic in markets, procedures, and governance institutions (both private and public). [read post]
6 Jun 2019, 6:30 am by Sandy Levinson
  For example, I am curious about the degree to which Eric has changed his own mind about the phenomenon of what he and Adrian Vermeule dismissed in their book The Executive Unbound:  After the Madisonian Republic (2010): i.e., any fears that the thoroughly Schmittian executive they defended would in fact generate the possibility of “tyranny” within the United States. [read post]
21 Jul 2015, 3:09 pm by Mark Graber
The Handbook’s sharp separation between political science and law in Parts II (Neil Komesar, Neal Devins, Mariah Zeisberg, Justin Crowe, Russell Muirhead and Nancy Rosenblum, Mark Tushnet, Adrian Vermeule, Jenna Bednar, Bartholomew Sparrow, Bill White) and III (Stephen Griffin, Ellen Katz, Keith Whittington, Gillian Metzger, Michael Greve) reflect the dramatic legalization of the Constitution that has taken place over the past two hundred years. [read post]
1 Jul 2017, 4:30 am by Alex Potcovaru
And Adrian Vermeule wrote that the Court’s ruling, along with several other decisions this year, proves that Article II conservatism is thriving. [read post]
24 Mar 2020, 8:01 pm by Elena Chachko
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages around the world, Israel’s year-and-a-half-long constitutional crisis appears to be approaching its apex. [read post]
4 Aug 2016, 1:15 pm by Benjamin Wittes
Consider: Had they contemplated even a small chance that the presidency would be occupied by someone like Trump, could Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule really have written a book as cheerfully excited about executive power as The Executive Unbound? [read post]
26 Mar 2018, 11:07 am by Adam J. White
Today, it’s not hard to imagine five justices agreeing with his dissent and overturning the precedent; they could vindicate Adrian Vermeule’s suggestion, on this site last year, that “Morrison v. [read post]
26 Jun 2017, 12:04 pm by Jane Chong
 For example, in contrast with Lederman, Adrian Vermeule has described the opinion as a "victory" for the Trump administration. [read post]
13 Feb 2017, 8:03 am by Samuel Moyn
Even the greatest holdout among the four, Adrian Vermeule (like Goldsmith, a treasured colleague), agreed on Twitter that there might actually be cause for alarm—marking the one time he took a break from his regular tweeting castigating liberals for their anxieties, and still irritated by liberal “melodrama. [read post]
29 Jul 2011, 3:01 pm by cornellvermontlaw
Posner and Adrian Vermeule, law professors at the University of Chicago and Harvard respectively, argue that “Obama Should Raise the Debt Ceiling on His Own. [read post]
11 Jul 2011, 3:26 am by Mary L. Dudziak
Posner and Adrian Vermeule’s new book The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic (which takes the authors to task for rejecting a Madisonian vision of government without paying sufficient attention to Madison’s own thoughts on the topic). [read post]
20 May 2009, 12:25 am
Chicago's Professor Eric Posner, along with co-authors Kathryn Spier and Adrian Vermeule (both at Harvard Law School) tries to answer these questions in his draft paper titled, not surprisingly, "Divide and Conquer", which was presented at last week's Works in Progress (WiP) talk. [read post]
18 Jan 2023, 10:53 am by Josh Blackman
In times like these, I'm reminded of a memorable image Adriane Vermeule presented: The second possible future I call the Merchant/Ivory Ballroom Scene. [read post]
16 Nov 2014, 9:30 pm by Cary Coglianese
These “non-decisions” are ubiquitous in the regulatory process, as a recent article by Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule argues, but recognition of non-decisions’ importance makes it difficult to move forward with systematic research on agenda-setting. [read post]