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5 Jul 2012, 11:51 am by Dan Filler
  To be clear, this simply returns North Carolina to a situation akin to - and slightly better than - other states imposing capital punishment. [read post]
17 Nov 2020, 7:40 pm by Linda McClain
Virginia seemed less of a constitutional lodestar and more akin to a third rail on the subway: to be avoided as so inapt as to be incendiary and dangerous. [read post]
1 Mar 2010, 7:18 pm by Lyle Denniston
Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hold one hour of oral argument in Samantar v. [read post]
12 Apr 2016, 8:48 am by Jack Goldsmith
Marty Lederman says in response to my posts that the big difference between the Bush and Obama preemption doctrines was that the Bush Administration “argued that international law permits the United States to engage in a ‘first use’ strike, in a nonconsenting state, against a state or nonstate actor that has not already engaged in an armed attack against the United States, before any threat of attack is ‘fully formed’ — indeed,… [read post]
26 Apr 2016, 6:12 pm by Rory Little
In what reads like a brisk fifty-two-minute argument this morning, the Justices seemed inclined – but not certain – to accept, in Dietz v. [read post]
23 Aug 2010, 9:44 am by uwlegalscholarship
The Charleston Law Review, the flagship journal of the Charleston School of Law, invites submissions for its General Issue of Volume V ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER an author chooses. [read post]
3 Jun 2011, 4:20 am
”[55] “…To accept this definition in effect would be to give the claimants a monopoly akin to a patent monopoly (albeit limited to cases of copying) in any pack which satisfied that definition. [read post]