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12 Sep 2013, 4:54 am by Jeff Gamso
Madison.The government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. [read post]
6 Oct 2020, 1:00 am by Florian Mueller
Judge Albright of the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas is an outlier in the U.S., and German judges would be slightly more subtle at public events, but their extremist rulings speak louder than any roadshow possibly could.I've saved the most important point for last: what opened the floodgates against all warnings was this year's Unwired Planet v. [read post]
16 May 2022, 9:04 pm by Dan Flynn
A “Certificate of Service” is signed by Miller “under the laws of the United States of America, without of the United States (Federal and State Government). [read post]
6 Oct 2015, 5:30 am by John Ehrett
United States 15-27Issue: Whether, to invoke a district court's jurisdiction under the Quiet Title Act to adjudicate the merits of a quiet title action, a state must establish facts that show affirmative action by the United States that demonstrates its claim to title in the property, or alternatively whether a state can rely on facts that raise a cloud on the state's title. [read post]
27 Nov 2007, 12:01 pm
The following is a list of facilities for individuals with cerebral palsy in Mississippi compiled by United Cerebral Palsy as a comprehensive One-Stop Resource Guide to help locate assistance. [read post]
2 Feb 2024, 1:14 pm by Amy Howe
Specifically, it concluded, the presidency is not an “office … under the United States,” and the president is not an “officer of the United States. [read post]
9 Oct 2015, 6:06 am
The officers drove past Washington Park, where a crowd of people were drinking and shooting off fireworks. [read post]
9 Nov 2017, 3:44 pm
It appears that Cuba remains a special case, one where the economic interests of the United States may play a secondary role--or better put in today's terms, one in which the "better deal" produces a marketplace in the the United States is willing to barter economics for politic objectives. [read post]
1 Jul 2013, 7:50 am by John Elwood
United States, 12-8505, for that upstart non-relist Paroline v. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 7:30 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Conspirators in various locations throughout the United States (identity brokers) solicited customers. [read post]