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15 Jun 2011, 4:46 pm by team
On July 1st 1992, a Belgium bank received from Nigeria a “contract”  to transfer $45 millions to the bank account of Mr. [read post]
19 Oct 2007, 2:17 am
The dust is starting to settle in the widely publicised case of Bragg v. [read post]
12 Jan 2011, 4:27 pm by INFORRM
Mr President, members of the Court: The News of the World newspaper sells about 2.8 million copies on an average Sunday, and it is read by about 15% of the adult population of the United Kingdom. [read post]
11 Jan 2021, 4:46 am by Peter Mahler
Now there’s a fourth, Bak v Rostek, 2020 NY Slip Op 33142(U) [Sup Ct Kings County Sept. 25, 2020], in which a 47.5% member of a single-asset realty-holding LLC sold his membership interest to the other 52.5% member for around $900,000 based on a $1.9 million valuation assigned by the buying member. [read post]
29 Jan 2011, 8:52 am
A pregant woman (Tameche Brown) was badly injured when a driver (Gregory Crawley) hydroplanned and struck her Honda CR-V on 04/28/08. [read post]
17 Oct 2008, 10:32 pm
In a lengthy opinion, the Court of Appeals in People v Kozlowski, 2008 NY Slip Op 07759 [10/16/08], upheld the larceny (and related) convictions of the former CEO Kozlowski and CFO Swartz of Tyco and the fines of $35 and $70 million imposed on Swartz and Kozlowski, respectively. [read post]