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3 Jul 2009, 11:16 pm
Viens (Queen Mary, University of London) The Neuroscience of Fair Play: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Altruistic Behaviours and Their FailuresDonald Pfaff (Rockefeller University, New York) Brain Images As Legal EvidenceAdina Roskies and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Dartmouth College) 13.15 LUNCH 14:15 SESSION III:     The Illusion of Intentionality and Its Implications for Criminal LawColin Blakemore (Nuffield Department of Clinical Sciences, Oxford University)… [read post]
8 May 2009, 7:00 am
., who is the National Managing Partner of Davis LLP and Jennifer Cleall are legal advisors to the Climate Change and Emissions Management (CCEMC) Corporation.Bookmarks: Delicious, Digg , Facebook, Google, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Yahoo [read post]
7 May 2009, 8:52 am
., who is National Managing Partner of Davis LLP and Jennifer Cleall are legal advisors to the CCEMC.Bookmarks: Delicious, Digg , Facebook, Google, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Yahoo [read post]
4 May 2009, 12:05 am
Johns, Stephen Schwartz, Mehrangiz Kar, Thomas Najjar and Jennifer Jefferis; note by Eva M. [read post]
1 May 2009, 3:48 am
Destefano, No. 07-1428 and 08-328Title VII/Whether municipalities may decline to certify results of an exam that would make disproportionately more white applicants eligible for promotion than minority applicants, due to fears that certifying the results would lead to charges of racial discriminationØ April 22, 2009 Argument Transcript hereØ SCOTUS docket hereØ SCOTUSwiki hereØ Cornell Law… [read post]
17 Apr 2009, 4:46 am
 Here are the witnesses who testified:For:Berry, David    (Self)    Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)    Collins, Bill    (Self)    Davis, Kelly    (Self)    Dixon, Lanore    (Self)    Graham, Elizabeth (Texas Right to Life)  … [read post]
7 Apr 2009, 10:00 pm
A Conceptual Analysis of Identity 154.83 Kbby STEVEN DAVIS Chapter 13. [read post]
2 Apr 2009, 11:49 pm
  With the support of our institutions, Angela Onwuachi-Willig (Iowa) [our fearless chair], Mario Barnes (Miami), Jennifer Chacon (UC Davis), Kaaryn Gustafson (Connecticut), Melissa Murray (UC Berkeley), Camille Nelson (St. [read post]
27 Mar 2009, 8:12 am
The new law school at the University of California at Irvine has made two more senior hires: Jennifer Chacon (immigration law) from the University of California at Davis, and Christopher Tomlins, a leading legal historian, who is a Research Professor... [read post]
12 Mar 2009, 4:53 am
We are pleased to announce that Professor Jennifer Chacón -- and one of the founding editors of the ImmigrationProf blog -- is the recipient of the 2009 UC Davis Distinguished Teaching Award. [read post]
24 Feb 2009, 4:12 am
La Belle, JD CALIFORNIA - Davis 1999, U.S. [read post]
23 Feb 2009, 9:17 pm
"   Emily Sack (Roger Williams): critical analysis of the line of recent Supreme Court cases involving domestic violence - including Castle Rock, Crawford, Davis/Hammon, Giles. [read post]
13 Feb 2009, 11:00 am
Kenyatta Punter Development Kenneth Brown Property Management yigal niasoff Lending - Commercial yankel Korolitzky Lending - Commercial jason francois construction & investing Jovan Francois Construction David Zar Investor / Owner Amanda Aziz Architecture David Berger Development Greg Belew Development Michelle Rizzotto Lending - Commercial John Scarambolo Government mark fisher Acquisitions Rich Maltz Auctioneer Eitan Bouskila … [read post]
9 Jan 2009, 3:52 am
Davis, the court handed down a decision in a Michigan case which appeared to involve nothing more than  the question of the legitimacy of a traffic stop. [read post]
28 Dec 2008, 3:04 am
Among the many interesting things to look for: the early-morning argument on October 4, 2007, where Richard Gabriel convinced Judge Davis to change his mind and accept the plaintiffs' proffered jury instruction; the testimony of Jennifer Pariser in which -- according to Cary Sherman -- she "misspoke"; the testimony of the RIAA's expert witness Doug Jacobson; the testimony of the MediaSentry investigator; the technology issues relating to the service performed by… [read post]