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22 Mar 2011, 7:58 am by Todd Zywicki
”  There are several other articles well-worth reading, including Richard Epstein on “Government by Waiver” and John Taylor on the financial crisis and economic policy making.I want to add that writing for the National Affairs was an absolute joy. [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 4:04 am by Walter Olson
Levine (20) September 2000 archives, part 3 (0) Richard Blumenthal: guns, tobacco, and grandstanding AGs (9) [read post]
30 Jul 2008, 6:16 am
That's Richard Epstein describing Barak Obama in an article about Obama's time as a law professor at Chicago. [read post]
11 Oct 2018, 7:23 am by NCC Staff
Adam Liptak of The New York Times and NYU Law Professor Richard Epstein join Jeffrey Rosen to explain what libel is and how laws against libel, slander, and defamation fit within the First Amendment’s protections of free speech and the free press. [read post]
16 Jul 2019, 4:08 am by SHG
At the bond hearing before SDNY District Judge Richard Berman, something almost unheard of occurred. [read post]
2 Sep 2009, 6:40 am
EPSTEIN, A Suffolk police officer and Iraq War veteran who criticized Commissioner Richard Dormer at a public meeting has been docked five days pay for his comments. [read post]
19 Aug 2012, 6:02 am by Walter Olson
Lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), as part of a wider campaign to pursue maximally feminist interpretations of Title IX, successfully litigate to prevent Quinnipiac University from naming competitive cheer as a varsity sport [American Sports Council "Saving Sports"] More: Richard Epstein on Title IX; background. [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 5:52 pm
Epstein has an article entitled "NRA v. [read post]
25 Aug 2011, 5:14 am by Ted Frank
Richard Epstein et al. on the FTC on intellectual property. [read post]
18 Feb 2009, 10:58 pm
Other speakers include Richard Nagareda, Peter Schuck, Catherine Sharkey, Richard Epstein, Elizabeth Cabraser, and Allison Zieve.Bexis will particpate in the Hamline Law Review Symposium, "The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act: Searching for the Crossroads of Safety and Innovation," in Saint Paul on Friday, April 3. [read post]
Now comes the Law Review's online edition with a new essay by Professor Richard Epstein, "Physical and Regulatory Takings: One Distinction Too Many," about the New York City rent control case up before the Supreme Court on a cert petition. [read post]
16 Jun 2010, 8:42 pm by Jonathan H. Adler
Adler) The University of Chicago’s Richard Epstein argues against liability limits for environmental accidents, like BP’s Gulf oil spill in today’s WSJ. [read post]
13 Jun 2008, 2:38 pm
Richard Epstein is James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Director of the Law and Economics Program at the University of Chicago Law School. [read post]
12 Jun 2008, 10:00 pm by arester
Richard Epstein is James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Director of the Law and Economics Program at the University of Chicago Law School. [read post]
18 Feb 2010, 8:30 am by Michael Heise
Judicial decision-making scholars will want to see Why (and When) Judges Dissent: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, by Lee Epstein (Northwestern), Bill Landes (Chicago), and Richard Posner (CA7 & Chicago). [read post]
27 Jul 2010, 8:21 am by Walter Olson
Among reactions and links to my Cato piece yesterday: David Frum, Brian Doherty/Reason “Hit and Run”, Richard Epstein/Ricochet, LoTempio Law Blog/Blawg Review #274, John Stossel/Fox Business (with kind words), Steve Bussey (ditto, with a historic-preservation-related reader comment). [read post]