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9 Oct 2015, 6:06 am
They made a U-turn and circled back to the park. [read post]
9 Mar 2012, 6:22 am by David Oscar Markus
Academic researchers studying disparity use data from the U. [read post]
19 Aug 2008, 8:28 pm
Dist. 365-U, No. 08-1850 In a student's suit challenging his expulsion on due-process grounds, denial of a preliminary injunction is affirmed where, because plaintiff received notice and a hearing prior to his expulsion, he was unlikely to prevail on the merits and therefore was not entitled to injunctive relief. [read post]
22 May 2009, 9:29 am
The Government submits there has been compliance with the Suspension Clause because the DTA review process in the Court of Appeals, see DTA §1005(e), provides an adequate substitute. [read post]
19 Jul 2012, 8:25 am by Alain Leibman
Citing Wheat's concern with the "special dangers" presented by joint representation in a criminal case, the Court of Appeals found no abuse of discretion in the disqualification of the second attorney since there remained a serious potential conflict by virtue of his loyalty to the firm's former client, the first brother. [read post]
23 Jan 2007, 6:12 am
Circuit Court of Appeals used are not required under the PLRA. [read post]
13 May 2008, 8:10 am
"For a full copy of the order, please click here.Wells Fargo has since filed an appeal of the bankruptcy court's sanctions order. [read post]
12 Jun 2018, 7:15 am by John Elwood
Flores-Ortega applies when a criminal defendant instructs his trial counsel to file a notice of appeal but trial counsel decides not to do so because the defendant’s plea agreement included an appeal waiver. [read post]