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1 Nov 2011, 5:21 pm by Jordan D. Maglich
 Picard estimated that he has recovered approximately $8.6 billion to date out of approximately $17 billion in valid customer claims. [read post]
11 Jan 2021, 10:28 am by Alan Rosca
The findings reported on the Form U5 stated the firm is terminating Clason’s registration because he allegedly maintained a joint bank account with a firm customer, engaged in liquidations of securities in the customer’s firm account, transferred funds to a joint bank account, and withdrew funds, according to his FINRA Brokercheck page. [read post]
11 Jan 2021, 10:28 am by Alan Rosca
The findings reported on the Form U5 stated the firm is terminating Clason’s registration because he allegedly maintained a joint bank account with a firm customer, engaged in liquidations of securities in the customer’s firm account, transferred funds to a joint bank account, and withdrew funds, according to his FINRA Brokercheck page. [read post]
24 Jun 2008, 8:48 pm
  For example, many financial institutions sell their customer lists; if bank customers notice the privacy policies that banks send them and ask the banks not to sell their information, the banks lose money. [read post]
15 Jan 2016, 11:48 am by Stuart Kaplow
In 2016, expect more states to roll back net metering tariffs that incentivize photovoltaic installations for the benefit of big banks and large corporate investors. [read post]
28 Mar 2012, 11:17 am by Fred Abrams
 Armed with this type of information, the thieves then attempt to impersonate the bank customer and illegally access bank accounts. [read post]
14 Apr 2020, 3:10 am by Walter Olson
” With the COVID-19 crisis, the old rules requiring banks to report “suspicious” transactions are causing all sorts of problems as ordinary customers radically change their banking habits. [read post]
11 Apr 2007, 4:48 pm
The program allows participating customers to round every debit card purchase up to the nearest dollar, and then the extra pennies are then deposited into the customer’s savings account. [read post]
7 Oct 2009, 10:00 pm
  As mentioned at my post "Following The Money Trail In Zürich", this can be true if a bank customer opens an offshore bank account and lies in a declaration of beneficial ownership, which is commonly referred to in Switzerland as a "Form A". [read post]
2 Aug 2010, 4:33 pm
Hancock formerly with Wells Fargo Investments and Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco, California, was barred from association with any FINRA member in any capacity for misappropriating $11,320 in funds from an elderly bank customer's account. [read post]
 For example, on April 10, 2023, an employee of a bank in Louisville, Kentucky, who had been notified that he was going to be terminated, shot and killed five bank employees and wounded many others who were attending a morning staff meeting. [read post]
” An effort last October to pass a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulation prohibiting financial institutions, such as banks and credit card companies, from imposing mandatory arbitration agreements on customers suffered a narrow defeat when Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaking vote against the regulation. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 9:46 am by brittania
It was estimated that it would repay customers $5.07 million and pay another $1.3 million to the state for smaller claims. [read post]
14 Mar 2024, 8:04 am by Simon Lovegrove (UK) and Anita Edwards
The policy statement was published following a review of the Payment Services Regulations 2017 in response to several high-profile instances of alleged ‘de-banking’ where the termination of a bank account or payment service was motivated by a customer’s personal or political beliefs. [read post]
21 Feb 2011, 8:51 am by Stephen Clarke
This is the real issue here, while international regulation and international deposit insurance are pressing concerns, these pale in comparison with a greater problem: to what extent should banks, and bank customers, be protected from their own decisions? [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 1:45 am by Kevin LaCroix
  The latest lawsuit is the 68th that the FDIC has filed against former directors and officers of failed banks as part of the current bank failure wave. [read post]