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19 Mar 2021, 1:42 pm by Comunicaciones_MJ
Washington D.C. (2014) En Washington D.C. están prohibidos los esfuerzos para cambiar la orientación sexual de menores de edad. [read post]
26 Apr 2024, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
Cannon Denies Dismissal Motions by Trump Co-Defendants in Documents Case MSN – Perry Stein (Washington Post) | Published: 4/18/2024 U.S. [read post]
26 Dec 2017, 9:30 pm by Series of Essays
A recently published paper by Sean Speer, a senior fellow at the Washington, D.C. [read post]
13 Jun 2023, 5:04 pm by Arianna Morseau
(This requires a willingness and ability to travel across Eastern Washington for outreach.) [read post]
4 Nov 2019, 9:40 am by Whittel & Melton, LLC
Medicaid es un programa conjunto federal y estatal que ayuda a las personas de bajos ingresos y pocos activos a pagar los costos de un asilo. [read post]
21 Mar 2012, 4:34 am by Rob Robinson (OpenText) New Interest in Hacking as Threat to Security – (Micheal Schmidt) Non-Facebook Timelines For The Ages | @Forbes - (Ben Kerschberg) Plaintiffs File Scathing Reply Brief in Ongoing Da Silva Moore Predictive Coding Battle – (Matthew Nelson) Records and Information Management and Retention | Venable LLP - (Warren Hamel, Victoria Danta) States… [read post]
15 Apr 2016, 7:06 am by Chris Castle
As is fairly well known, Uber have hired former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe to run their lobby shop, so it’s not surprising that the biggest expense from the Uber/Lyft PAC is hiring the Washington, DC based petition mill “Block by Block”. [read post]
18 Apr 2019, 2:42 pm by John Elwood
Thomas Richey, a Washington state prisoner serving a sentence for murder, filed a prison grievance in which he alleged that a guard unfairly deprived him of his right to use the prison yard, to shower and to obtain clean clothes. [read post]
16 Feb 2010, 5:43 am by Gerard Magliocca
Smith Goes to Washington (Columbia Pictures 1939) (glamorizing the filibuster). [read post]
9 Jul 2020, 2:55 am by Kevin Kaufman
New sales tax exemptions took effect in Virginia and Washington. [read post]
9 Jan 2023, 3:58 am by Dan Harris
Last year, I asked my good friend Andrew Hupert to explain what is involved in moving manufacturing from China to Mexico, in large part by comparing the two countries. [read post]
6 Mar 2020, 9:04 am by Monica Williamson
Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP Legislative Analyst, Washington, DC. [read post]
18 Aug 2022, 5:43 am by William S. Dodge
To confirm the marriage civilly in Turkey, Khashoggi needed a certificate from Saudi Arabia, which he tried unsuccessfully to get from the Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C. [read post]
5 Dec 2017, 12:01 pm by ligitsec
Ralph Oman, Dechert, Price & Rhoads, Washington, D.C., as amicus. [read post]