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23 Nov 2022, 5:04 pm
“We continue to focus on transnational repression, where Chinese authorities have reached into the United States and other countries to repress people critical of Chinese policies. [read post]
14 Apr 2023, 12:30 pm by John Ross
Your case is dismissed under Rooker-Feldman and Younger *and* Heck v. [read post]
4 Dec 2019, 6:00 am by Kevin Kaufman
In October, three people were charged in connection with smuggling cigarettes on the Staten Island Ferry. [read post]
19 Nov 2010, 9:00 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Abbott Labs case from 1999 held that a compound that was physically made and sold in claimed form was complete and available as prior art even though its structure and identity were unknown at the time of sale. [read post]
19 Sep 2008, 6:00 pm
: (IP finance)   Global - Patents Grasp for straws, drop the whole bundle: (Intellectual Property Directions) Made in China - A glimpse into the future of patent information: (Thomson Reuters Scientific) AIPPI Congress: USPTO, EPO, JPO directors speak on worldwide patent pendency: (Managing Intellectual Property) Eco-Patent Commons responds to critics: (Managing Intellectual Property) Ron Slusky: Five prescriptions for broader claims: (Patently-O), Key patent strategies for nanotechnology… [read post]
4 Oct 2014, 12:09 pm by Schachtman
The more political and personal preferences are involved, and the greater the complexity of the underlying scientific analysis, the more we should expect people, historians, judges, and juries, to ignore the Royal Society’s Nullius in verba,” and to rely upon the largely irrelevant factors of reputation. [read post]
1 May 2016, 4:02 pm by INFORRM
 Under EU law in force since May 2011, people must give their consent before an anti-ad-blocker script can run and hide content on a page. [read post]
20 Feb 2012, 6:49 pm by admin
” As a result, he was sentenced to six month in prison (see: R. v. [read post]