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20 Apr 2012, 8:43 pm
Johnson, the chamber’s senior vice president for labor, immigration and employee benefits, said, “We’re quite pleased with the decision, and we hope the labor board will suspend the regulation across the country until this all gets sorted out. [read post]
18 Dec 2019, 9:51 am
On December 6, 2019, the U.S. and California Chambers of Commerce, along with several trade organizations, filed a complaint in the Eastern District of California. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 11:49 pm
" Critics such as the Chamber of Commerce, however, argue that the bill is a "cracker killer" -- meaning that it could prevent companies from building an ethane cracker plant in West Virginia. [read post]
13 Mar 2007, 7:19 am
Brenda Schwandt, president of the Upper Arlington Chamber of Commerce, said eight people responded to a recent e-mail survey of 481 businesses in and near the city concerning the new law. [read post]
22 Nov 2015, 3:06 am
At the end of October, as part of the China state visit to the UK, the China-Britain Business Council and British Chamber of Commerce in China hosted the third UK-China Intellectual Property Symposium at The Royal Society. [read post]
18 Jun 2012, 11:47 am
Reproduced with permission from Electronic Commerce & Law Report, (June 13, 2012). [read post]
28 Jan 2009, 4:07 pm
See Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. v. [read post]
8 Jun 2010, 5:37 am
So, we’re good, right? [read post]
10 Dec 2011, 4:14 pm
Cover matters relating to the chamber of commerce, interview growing businesses, cover local banks/lenders/investors funding of businesses.Real estate lawyers can cover zoning, commercial real estate development, and city council matters. [read post]
22 Mar 2008, 4:05 pm
Chamber of Commerce got involved in 13 judicial races in 2004 and won 12. [read post]
10 Sep 2024, 5:45 am
In a digital age where social media reigns supreme, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has ventured into uncharted territory: TikTok. [read post]
26 Feb 2017, 3:31 am
Chamber of Commerce 5th annual International IP Index.Around the IP BlogsA round up of the latest highlights from the IP bloggersphere! [read post]
16 Feb 2018, 10:07 am
Chamber of Commerce, 30 BRBS 112 (1996). [read post]
11 Nov 2016, 11:45 am
Last spring, when we learned that Facebook was providing advertisers with the option to show different ads to different users based on their “ethnic affinity,” we got nervous.Facebook places people into these clusters — African-American, Asian-American, and Latino — based on the fact that they’ve liked things on Facebook associated with membership in those groups, like an African-American chamber of commerce. [read post]
2 Nov 2012, 1:40 pm
" The AIC also produced a publication, Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Creating Jobs and Strengthening the Economy, with the Public Education Institute at The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc. and the US Chamber of Commerce on the plight of immigrant entrepreneurs, their contributions to the country, and the need for reforms in the business immigration arena. [read post]
22 Sep 2017, 1:45 pm
Chamber of Commerce, and the Business Roundtable, had requested that OMB stop the EEOC from implementing the pay data reporting requirements. [read post]
30 Oct 2015, 10:24 am
Memo to Chamber of Commerce, 1972: lays out his plan. [read post]
12 Mar 2013, 1:17 pm
Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) who are actively supporting increased exports. [read post]
23 Jul 2010, 9:24 am
State Chamber of Commerce v. [read post]
16 Jun 2011, 3:06 pm
Chamber of Commerce, National Retail Federation, Consumer Electronics Association, American Hotel and Lodging Association and National Restaurant Association in recognizing the value of visa reform. [read post]