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25 Jun 2024, 4:00 am
., 555 U. [read post]
28 Dec 2020, 4:00 am
NYCERS appealed the Supreme Court's decision. [read post]
27 Jan 2025, 10:00 am
The Munich Regional Court (LG Munich) first and, then, the Munich Higher Regional Court (OLG Munich) essentially sided with the plaintiff (29 U 7919/21). [read post]
10 Feb 2017, 9:55 am
The IRS assessed a deficiency, and the wife appealed to the Tax Court. [read post]
10 Feb 2017, 9:55 am
The IRS assessed a deficiency, and the wife appealed to the Tax Court. [read post]
2 Jul 2012, 6:25 pm
Alvarado, 541 U. [read post]
25 Sep 2019, 7:29 am
Instead, modification would be based on the incarcerated individual's current financial circumstances. [read post]
19 Mar 2017, 5:05 pm
The permission to appeal decision can be found here. [read post]
18 Apr 2024, 11:02 am
Mayorkas, 598 U. [read post]
18 Aug 2011, 2:58 pm
This seem to be a recurring theme, as he noted that, “[u]nder duress and in a dire position economically, Mr. [read post]
21 Sep 2007, 3:46 am
Does Miller think that's a good idea? [read post]
9 Nov 2009, 7:22 am
S. [read post]
27 Sep 2019, 4:09 pm
” The brothers appealed again, this time to the United States Supreme Court. [read post]
1 Sep 2016, 8:00 am
On appeal, Dr. [read post]
7 Sep 2006, 6:05 am
Plaintiff appealed the order, and the Seventh Circuit held that CAFA shifted the burden to plaintiff and affirmed. [read post]
25 Jan 2010, 11:25 am
Decisions by the U. [read post]
20 Apr 2007, 4:22 am
Any port in a storm, I guess.As I said in this post, Justice Thomas' concurrence is the real gem of the case (Quick aside: I'd like to thank How Appealing's Howard Bashman for linking to that post and upping my traffic by about 500%). [read post]
17 Jul 2023, 9:05 pm
However, the other critical issue for the SEC to appeal is the opinion’s disregard for cases expanding on the first Howey prong. [read post]
23 Dec 2015, 12:00 am
Footnotes1 And that’s just the start! [read post]
13 Nov 2013, 5:35 am
Id.Petitioner appealed this decision to the SEC, and advanced two arguments relevant to this discussion: (1) the just and equitable principles of trade rule (“J & E Rule”) requires a finding of bad faith; and (2) petitioner did not receive fair notice that his conduct was sanctionable under the J & E Rule. [read post]