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6 Oct 2014, 11:50 am
Briefs don’t require signatures at all, so there’s no need to send an “original” brief in paper form. [read post]
13 Apr 2015, 3:32 pm by EB-5
"So, suddenly there are no EB-5 visas for Chinese who filed their I-526 petitions after May 1, 2013! [read post]
27 Mar 2015, 4:20 am by Howard Friedman
 Harris asked for an order so that she will not be required to issue a title and ballot summary for the proposal which could get on the ballot only if the sponsors were able to collect over 365,000 valid signatures. [read post]
9 Sep 2013, 1:15 pm
That's because we have so of these alcohol and drug-fueled crashes here in Texas. [read post]
20 Oct 2022, 1:30 pm by Eileen McDermott
Ultimately, they said: 1) thoughtfully exercise discretion to deny the inter partes review (IPR) petitions to ensure quiet title, 2) apply the clear and convincing standard of proof for invalidity to match the district court standard, 3) change the joinder rule so that time-barred parties aren’t allowed to join IPRs, 4) create a standing requirement to bring IPRs to end gaming by uninterested third-parties and 5) increase transparency at the PTAB— for example, with… [read post]
10 Nov 2019, 9:15 am by Andy Schlafly
So, when a patent holder wins a jury verdict, that should mean more than the paper the verdict is written on. [read post]
14 May 2015, 12:26 pm by Kenneth Vercammen Esq. Edison
The petition shall be dismissed or appropriate amendment allowed if the court is not satisfied that the alleged decedent is dead. [read post]
21 Feb 2013, 4:53 am by Divorce experts
Recently published Ministry of Justice figures show Birmingham as top of the list of courts where the most petitions for divorce were applied for in the twelve months up to September 2012.The Ministry of Justice’s intention in publishing the figures on their website is to highlight the government’s plans to change the law so that any couple seeking a court order regarding contact with a child or finances must first attend a mediation assessment meeting. [read post]
27 Dec 2021, 5:36 am
Justice Kavanaugh received the petitions and referred them to the full court.On December 22nd, the Supreme Court issued a pair of orders (here and here) scheduling oral arguments on two vaccine mandates for January 7, 2022: (1) the OSHA vaccine or test mandate for employers with more than 100 employees; and (2) the CMS vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. [read post]
8 Jun 2020, 12:23 pm
  So, sua sponte, the Court of Appeal corrects the judgment. [read post]
13 Nov 2013, 4:10 am by Howard Friedman
On Nov. 8, the Nevada Supreme Court denied a Petition for Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition in Health Plan of Nevada v. [read post]
3 Jul 2020, 4:20 am by Howard Friedman
Petitioners requested a temporary stay of removal so they could access the immigration court system. [read post]
11 Sep 2015, 3:25 pm
 So the appeal is properly dismissed.Judge McKeown is also a bit snarky about the inexplicable delay in being told by the parties that the underlying bankruptcy petition had been dismissed seven months prior to the scheduled oral argument in the Ninth Circuit. [read post]
23 Nov 2012, 8:23 pm
The order is the latest, and most significant, offensive launched in a battle going back to 2010, when the several utilities filed a petition with the IPUC claiming that wind developers in Idaho were artificially segregating wind projects so that the projects could qualify under the 10 aMW ceiling for PURPA treatment. [read post]
1 Feb 2013, 7:50 pm by JB
Workshop versions of papers are due on April 5, 2013 so that they can be circulated to people attending the conference. [read post]
30 Jul 2019, 12:24 pm by Edward S. Zas
Thus, the state of Michigan could reasonably decide to petition for certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States. [read post]
19 Jul 2013, 8:08 am by Gina Botti
     An association should also maintain separate account ledgers for homeowners who file for bankruptcy, so that it has an accurate account of the personal obligation and the lien. [read post]