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2 Mar 2012, 6:30 am by Walter Olson
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, who crusades against distracted driving, worsens the problem by honking at motorists he sees using phones [WTOP via Mike Riggs, Reason] Expensive new mandate for back-up cameras in cars may be delayed until after election [Ira Stoll and more, Ann Althouse] With reporter Lee Stranahan, the late Andrew Breitbart shone an investigative spotlight on the USDA’s billion-dollar settlement with lawyers representing black farmers, and there was… [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 10:53 am by Larry Bodine
“We’re excited to bring this new technology to the attendees and exhibitors at this year’s Forum,” said Lee Ann Enquist, vice president, West Professional Development. [read post]
31 Mar 2017, 12:01 am by Gene Takagi
Keep charities out of partisan politics Anne Wallested: Great blog from @philxbuchanan on how sector agnosticism ignores essential role of NPs in solving social problems. [read post]
16 Nov 2010, 6:25 pm by StephanieWestAllen
Creating High-Touch Relationships Dan Hull, Karen Glover, US District Court Judge John Kane, Susan Cartier Liebel Being All That You Can Be Marian Lee, Bruce MacEwen, Michael Melcher, Catherine Hance Summer Reading Anne Castle, Nancy Sher Cohen, Donald Polden, David Maister Inspirations for New Lawyers Brooke Wunnicke, Linda Kornfeld, Ed Post Top Titles on Pecuniary Matters Joan Haratani, Patton Hyman, John Warnick, Diane Levin Guidance on Leadership Scott Rogers, Ida Abbott, Mark… [read post]
25 Jul 2008, 1:26 pm
Sheriff's deputies responded to a report of gunfire in the small plains town of Bennett at about 11:15 a.m. today and found Davidson, 29-year-old Amy Lee Ann Hill and their 3-year-old daughter shot to death. [read post]
4 Aug 2011, 2:59 am
Infections usually do not cause long-term health problems, but they can cause short-term misery.NCSU food science professor Lee-Ann Jaykus will lead the team of researchers to establish the USDA-NIFA Food Virology Collaborative. [read post]
29 Aug 2015, 11:17 am by Patti Waller
Lee-Ann Jaykis of North Carolina State University and her colleagues built a vomit machine consisting of a fake stomach connected to a pump by a series of tubes, complete with a sad-looking clay face. [read post]
11 Oct 2011, 10:03 am
The two Michigan men were injured while working on a shed in Washtenaw County, just ten miles north of Ann Arbor. [read post]
Ann Lee is an attorney with Holland & Hart LLP in Denver and can be reached at [read post]
25 Oct 2012, 12:45 pm by LindaMBeale
A tax return filed by Mitt and Ann Romney, made public in September, showed that Solamere has used an array of Cayman Islands entities ... [read post]
23 Oct 2008, 2:21 pm
On Wednesday, October 22, Professor Lee Fennell gave a talk entitled "Risk Reversals" as part of the Chicago's Best Ideas lecture series. [read post]
10 Sep 2019, 11:50 am by Adam Faderewski
Ann Armstrong, 85, of Sacramento, California, died April 14, 2019. [read post]
10 Sep 2019, 11:50 am by Adam Faderewski
Ann Armstrong, 85, of Sacramento, California, died April 14, 2019. [read post]
16 Jul 2015, 5:04 am by SHG
All of which raises one huge question: how long before Mary Anne Franks blocks the ITIF on the twitters and writes a teary-eyed appeal to the emotional about how the ACLU’s unduly nice Lee Rowland must have bought off the ITIF? [read post]
21 Jan 2011, 12:35 pm by StephanieWestAllen
Monica also worked for filmmaker Spike Lee and Winn Dixie, a Southeastern grocery store chain. [read post]
15 Dec 2006, 8:21 pm
Lane, Jennifer Ann Lawsure, Marian Norell Libby, Carl Lester Loeffel, Carolyn Jane Lucas, Erika Anne Maddaleni, Kristine Maria Maiorano, Riikka Johanna Mannervaara, Lisa Frances Marquis, Lorna Amanda Martin, Mark Andrew Matrazzo, Bradley Carl McCann, Cynthia R. [read post]