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9 Dec 2015, 3:54 am
Commentary comes from David Rivkin and Andrew Grossman at National Review, Daniel Hemel at The University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog, Charles Kelbley at The Legal Intelligencer, Risa Kaufman at the Human Rights at Home Blog, and Joseph Bear at Adventures in Doctrinal Wonderland. [read post]
28 Feb 2022, 2:00 am
Senate Finance Committee • Jane Gravelle, Senior Specialist in Economic Policy at the Congressional Research Service • Daniel Hemel, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago 10:00am to 10:15am Break #1 10:15am to 11:30am Panel #2: “Tax Practice Perspectives Amid Uncertainty” • Sophia Boutilier (’03), Principal (International Tax) at KPMG • Liz Chien (’05), Head of Global Tax at Protocol Labs and Adjunct Professor at UC Hastings Law… [read post]
26 May 2023, 11:21 pm
Eisen (@NormEisen), McKenzie Carrier, Vicka Heidt, Greg Phea (@GregPhea) and Madison Gee The Question of Tax Fraud in Manhattan DA’s Case Against Former President Trump by Daniel Hemel (@DanielJHemel) The post Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (May 20-26) appeared first on Just Security. [read post]
5 Jan 2019, 5:22 am
In response to Andrew McCarthy’s argument that Barr’s memo is legally sound, Daniel Hemel and Eric Posner countered McCarthy’s points and asserted that the memo is poorly reasoned. [read post]
11 Mar 2014, 7:53 am
To kick off this symposium, I’ll say a bit about the article I’m presenting, Beyond the Patents–Prizes Debate (coauthored with Daniel Hemel and recently published in the Texas Law Review), and how it fits with the broader conference agenda.So far, intellectual property law has been the primary legal field in which we think about both technical and creative innovation. [read post]
7 Jul 2022, 9:14 pm
In an article in the University of Chicago Law Review, Daniel Hemel, then a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, explored whether cost-benefit analysis in policy evaluation should account for income distribution. [read post]
21 May 2013, 5:26 am
Abbott presents it) seems to satisfy all the conditions under which Daniel Hemel and I argue that prizes are optimal: the government can set a clear goal (production of information sufficient to show that an approved drug is unsafe) and will be better than the market at setting an appropriate reward (since the social benefit of this information is much greater than its market value), but depending on the complexity of mining, the government may be at a disadvantage in identifying… [read post]
9 Dec 2017, 3:59 am
Daniel Hemel and Eric Posner argued that courts would construe the Logan Act narrowly to limit its scope they ever applied it. [read post]
27 Sep 2023, 11:40 am
(And this is not a Trumpist phenomenon - the divide has been around for decades, and a version of it can also be seen in the academic literature.)Without getting into all the details here, as will be explored in a paper that I am currently co-authoring with Daniel Hemel (the title will be something like Two-Level Games in International Tax), domestic players routinely use the foreign realm as an arena through which they can respectively try to advance their own sides'… [read post]
25 Mar 2020, 5:19 pm
But as I have explained with Daniel Hemel, both in general and in the context of COVID-19 vaccines, innovation and affordability are not either/or. [read post]
9 Jan 2019, 9:54 am
Daniel Hemel and Eric Posner responded to Jack Goldsmith’s qualified defense of William Barr’s unsolicited memorandum to the Justice Department criticizing the Mueller investigation. [read post]
4 Jul 2021, 4:16 am
Howell shared an episode of the Lawfare Podcast in which Jurecic, Daniel Hemel, a tax law expert at the University of Chicago, and Rebecca Roiphe of the New York Law School talk to Wittes about the Trump Organization’s indictment: Pete Pascucci and Kurt Sanger analyzed the military’s protocol for confronting cybersecurity threats. [read post]
4 Apr 2016, 9:31 am
For example, he compares patent law with the other legal institutions that Daniel Hemel and I discuss in Beyond the Patents–Prizes Debate, and he reaches the same conclusion we do: each institution has limitations, and "the patent system works best in conjunction with other institutions. [read post]
24 May 2018, 9:07 am
There the Free Speech Clause imposes no limit at all and the aesthetic nondiscrimination principle should cease to apply.Locating a particular aesthetic judgment along this spectrum is intertwined with the question of whether the state action constitutes "government speech," a doctrine that Daniel Hemel and I attempt to elucidate in a forthcoming Supreme Court Review article. [read post]
6 Jun 2017, 10:26 pm
Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore OuelletteCross-posted at Whatever Source DerivedAs we explained last week, the full impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Impression Products v. [read post]
22 Aug 2017, 5:42 am
This fall, we continue in that tradition, with speakers Daniel Hemel (Chicago), Ruth Mason (UVA), Zachary Liscow (Yale), and Lily Batchelder (NYU) presenting papers. [read post]
24 Aug 2018, 5:01 am
– Nonprofit Times Gene: Interim and transition rules for calculating UBTI for separate businesses under Tax Cuts & Jobs Act – Thomson Reuters #UBIT Sandra Feinsmith: Treasury Issues Crackdown on State and Local Tax Workarounds NY Times Daniel Hemel: What stands in way of NY setting up following: -Any public charity registered in NY may apply to participate in Empire State Credit program; -Charity must pay 15¢ to NY for each credit; -Charity can give… [read post]
5 Dec 2019, 4:04 am
” Daniel Hemel analyzes Tuesday’s argument in Rodriguez v. [read post]
10 Aug 2018, 5:01 am
How Tech Billionaires Hack Their Taxes With a Philanthropic Loophole (NYT) Daniel Hemel: A “philanthropic loophole” used by “tech billionaires” to “hack” their taxes? [read post]
22 Mar 2016, 7:45 am
Lexmark cert petition (no appendix) Decision: Federal Circuit en Banc decision Daniel Hemel and Lisa Larrimore Oulette, Will the Federal Circuit Recognize the U.S. [read post]