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17 Jul 2009, 9:02 pm
" From McClatchy Newspapers, David Lightman and Michael Doyle have an article headlined "Sotomayor hearings offer lessons for future nominees"; David Lightman reports that "3 Republican senators say they'll vote for Sotomayor"; and Halimah Abdullah has an article headlined "McConnell, Bunning agree: They'll vote no on Sotomayor. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 11:38 am
McConnell, Trinity Law School. [read post]
25 Nov 2024, 11:24 am
—Michael W. [read post]
7 Apr 2010, 4:07 pm
The first one to Tweet out “CyberWar Bingo” with a link to the relevant story wins a free firewall and a Cyberwar Hero medal — both personally digitally signed by Michael “Losing the Cyberwar” McConnell. [read post]
10 Dec 2024, 6:50 am
"—Michael W. [read post]
2 Oct 2011, 10:45 am
" The latter is an extended essay on Michael W. [read post]
20 May 2015, 6:09 am
’s Voice in ‘Public Comments’” by Eric Lipton and Coral Davenport for New York Times Louisiana: “Lobbyists Pay for Louisiana Officials’ Trip, Recipients Don’t Disclose It” by Lee Zurik (WVUE) and Ben Myers for New Orleans Times-Picayune Maryland: “Maryland Changes Rules Again on Political Contribution Disclosure by Government Contractors; Lobbyist-Employers Also Affected” by Lawrence Norton, Ronald Jacobs, and Julie McConnell for… [read post]
22 Feb 2012, 1:06 pm
Too many interesting posts there to pick out one, so just start from Tim Sandefur’s lead essay and keep reading. (2) Professor Michael McConnell and Nathan Chapman have posted an article on SSRN, Due Process as Separation of Powers. [read post]
13 Sep 2010, 4:00 am
Worthen, The NCAA and Religion: Insights About Non-State Governance from Sunday Play and End Zone Celebrations, (Utah Law Review, Vol. 2010, pp. 123-140).Michael W. [read post]
2 Jun 2009, 8:32 pm
" Meanwhile, in commentary, Michael Steele has an essay entitled "Judge Sotomayor: a milestone nomination, but her record requires scrutiny. [read post]
11 Sep 2015, 3:01 am
Dale Carpenter at Volokh Conspiracy has some kind words for my piece along with thoughts about the possible constitutional infirmities of the draft bill’s blatant enlistment of government power on one viewpoint and set of beliefs as against others; he also links to this Christianity Today piece by three leading religious liberty scholars, Richard Garnett, John Inazu, and Michael McConnell, who acknowledge some of the problems with FADA in present form while urging support for… [read post]
19 May 2010, 7:22 pm
Michael Graczyk writes, "Texas prisoner executed for killing cellmate," for the AP.Condemned Texas inmate Rogelio Cannady was executed Wednesday evening for killing his cellmate while already serving two life sentences for a double murder.Cannady, 37, from Harlingen, didn't deny fatally beating 55-year-old Leovigildo Bonal with a belt and padlock in October 1993, but he insisted the attack at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice McConnell Unit in… [read post]
25 Mar 2014, 8:19 am
Tennessee: “Panel: Keep money out of judicial elections” by Michael Cass in The Tennessean. [read post]
14 May 2008, 1:20 pm
Lane, McConnell v. [read post]
18 Jul 2011, 12:11 am
Restricting myself to those who have served in the academy, these scholars include (and I am surely missing some important people) Steve Calabresi, Brad Clark, John Harrison, Doug Kmiec, Gary Lawson, Nelson Lund, John Manning, Michael McConnell, John McGinnis, Mike Paulsen, and myself. [read post]
2 Jul 2018, 2:59 am
Michael McConnell [Volokh] and from Douglas Laycock and Thomas Berg as part of SCOTUSBlog’s symposium on the decision; South Dakota v. [read post]
22 Nov 2006, 10:52 am
(McConnell, J.) via Bashman] Reform coming to New York justice courts (POL Sep. 25). [read post]
20 May 2011, 1:19 pm
McConnell's spokesperson, Michael Brumas, defended the move, calling it "a clean, four-year extension. [read post]
16 Mar 2012, 8:43 am
"Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell strike deal on judges," is by Scott Wong at Politico. [read post]
15 May 2017, 1:20 pm
The working group consists of Senator McConnell, John Cornyn (Texas), Ted Cruz (Texas), Mike Lee (Utah), John Thune (South Dakota), John Barrasso (Wyoming), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Lamar Alexander (Tennessee), Michael Enzi (Wyoming), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Cory Gardner (Colorado), Rob Portman (Ohio), and Patrick Toomey (Pennsylvania). [read post]