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19 Aug 2020, 8:46 am by Second Circuit Civil Rights Blog
In the world of constitutional law, Heller is still sufficiently "new" that challenges to state gun rules are still upon us in the hope that the federal courts will strike them down under Heller. [read post]
28 Aug 2009, 8:00 am by Keith Donoghue
" In this connection, the Court finds still to be instructive its 2007 child pornography precedent in United States v. [read post]
8 Sep 2022, 5:35 am by Jack Goldsmith
There is still plenty of time for editing, so we'd love to hear any recommendations you folks might have; in the meantime, you can read the entire PDF of the latest draft (though with some formatting glitches stemming from the editing process) here.] [read post]
12 May 2020, 3:53 am by CMS
The UK certification procedure is still in its infancy but the CAT’s ruling in Merricks provided reasonable clarity on the Representative Test. [read post]
27 Feb 2015, 4:03 pm by INFORRM
However, applicant had still not received the information and she made an application to Strasbourg relying on Article 10 of the Convention. [read post]
25 May 2011, 6:30 am by Victoria VanBuren
  [This is the second installment in a three-part series on the Guest-Post:  States’ Rights, Big Business and the Nature of Arbitration:  AT&T Mobility LLC v. [read post]