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26 Nov 2013, 4:33 pm
What does Rumpole do when not trying and winning cases? [read post]
30 Jun 2014, 1:00 am
 Jokesters like Rumpole respond to your tweet. [read post]
18 Nov 2024, 7:54 am
Rumpole's fav booth is on the right as you walk in - look for us! [read post]
28 Apr 2022, 3:17 pm
 2022-559 Petition 80029 Petition2dsuspension2028emergency29 by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd The Bar: " The Florida Bar also moves to suspend the license of one Horace Rumpole, notorious and cantankerous blogger of Miami for calling the Florida Bar Dracula. [read post]
26 Nov 2024, 1:31 pm
"Rest assured, as far as Rumpole goes, NO ONE who sends us a HAPPY THANSGIVING email will ever get a referral from us. [read post]
29 Oct 2019, 7:20 am
Rumpole replies "Not as seriously as President Trump. [read post]
15 Nov 2020, 8:42 am
Same old Rumpole making the same warnings and complaints about courts not recognizing just how dangerous this covid-19 virus is. [read post]
31 Aug 2022, 11:59 am
In Rumpole's world, effusive praise in an order almost always precedes the inevitable "but for the reasons stated herein the motion is denied. [read post]
2 Sep 2020, 1:18 pm
 Rumpole rule of life #14: avoid intubation at all costs. [read post]
7 Sep 2023, 8:50 am
 FLORIDA SUPREME COURT CHANGES RULE ON ATTORNEY   SUSPENSION FOR FELONY ARRESTS     It used to be that lawyers arrested for possession of undersized grouper or aggravated stalking on their boyfriend/ spouse would hire Rumpole, we would quickly dispose of the matter and they would continue their practice bruised but still in the game. [read post]
29 Jul 2022, 6:55 pm
  If all goes well, DOM will have avoided Rumpole's number one rule in trial- AVOID AT ALL COSTS A FRIDAY VERDICT. [read post]
27 Mar 2023, 1:00 am by David Oscar Markus
  Rumpole discusses bail over at his blog. [read post]
17 Jun 2018, 11:00 pm
 And Rumpole responds: of course we have. [read post]
3 Nov 2024, 6:57 am
Rumpole will tell you who is going to win every swing state with a few surprises. [read post]
9 Dec 2017, 7:24 am
The Defense could rest the following day, and uhho....closings Thursday and the much feared "Friday Verdict" that long time and careful readers of the blog know is one of the things Rumpole says the good defense lawyer should avoid at all costs. [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 12:38 pm
The world is changing faster than even the best of us (not including Rumpole) can keep up with it. [read post]
15 Jul 2013, 11:30 pm by Rumpole
 WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSSWe sent this on our twitter account (@justicebuilding)Horace Rumpole ‏@JUSTICEBUILDING14 JulIf I was african-amercian, I would be more outraged over the mass jailing of AF/men, then this tragic case, as tragic as it is.It's hot. [read post]
30 Nov 2015, 12:02 pm
 Rumpole says-sixty years is still outrageous. [read post]
23 Apr 2018, 4:59 am by David Markus
From Rumpole:2:37: Yells at defendant who responds to question not to talk.3:04: Yells at lawyer to keep quiet defendant 3:53: Yells at defendant- "I'm not here to talk to you about breathing treatment. [read post]
21 Oct 2023, 8:46 am
               As you exit the elevator on the 7th floor make a left (Rumpole says, when in doubt go left) and pass the Double Doors, [and the cafe that makes the best grits and corned beef hash in Miami, truly...) [read post]