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17 Oct 2014, 8:21 pm by Bill Otis
 I litigated their validity for the first time in federal court in US v. [read post]
10 Sep 2012, 9:18 am by Eugene Volokh
Here’s a story about this very thing from California, from Borgstrom v. [read post]
25 Feb 2018, 4:49 pm by INFORRM
Last Week in the Courts On 19 February 2018 the Investigatory Powers Tribunal handed down a short judgment in the case of Wilkinson v Chief Constable of Cleveland [2018] UKIPTrib IPT_17_84-85_H (Ch) noting that RIPA authorisations in relation to Press Association journalists were admitted to be unlawful and ordering them to be quashed. [read post]
25 Jun 2017, 4:11 pm by INFORRM
On 21 June 2017 Warby J heard an application in the case of RJH v News Group Newspapers. [read post]
29 Mar 2020, 4:49 pm by INFORRM
Newspapers Journalism and Regulation The Press Gazette had a piece “Marketers urged to ‘back don’t block British journalism’ as Covid-19 hits online advertising” IPSO IPSO has published a number of rulings and resolutions statements since our last Round Up: 08645-19 A Man v The Sunday Times, 1 Accuracy (2019), 2 Privacy (2019), 6 Children (2019), no breach- after investigation 07416-19 Englefield Estate v, 1 Accuracy (2019),… [read post]
20 Oct 2015, 3:24 pm
Tonight IPKat blogmeister Jeremy was invited to speak at a dinner gathering of TIPLO (The Intellectual Property Lawyers' Organisation) in The Old Court Room, Lincoln's Inn, chaired by David Wilkinson (Clyde & Co). [read post]
1 Jul 2021, 1:01 am by Emma Kent
Quand la Loi britannique de 2004 sur le partenariat civil (Civil Partnership Act 2004) est entrée en vigueur le 5 décembre 2005, son objectif était de permettre aux couples de même sexe d’obtenir la reconnaissance légale de leur relation en créant  « une institution égalisante et parallèle » (traduction) du partenariat civil. 14 ans plus tard, l’exigence selon laquelle le mariage doit être contracté… [read post]
9 Oct 2016, 4:07 pm by INFORRM
 Timothy Spall plays David Irving, Rache Weisz plays Deborah Lipstadt, Richard Rampton QC is played by Tom Wilkinson, Sir Charles Gray by Alex Jennings and Heather Rogers QC by Jackie Clune. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 7:56 pm by Steve Vladeck
  The post criticizes Judge Wilkinson’s view of the adverse incentives that Bivens liability would create. [read post]
29 Jun 2023, 3:33 pm by John Elwood
(relisted after the June 22 conference) Wilkinson v. [read post]