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28 Aug 2010, 12:50 am by INFORRM
In Lloyds Bank plc v Rogers ([1996] EWCA Civ 1277), Simon Brown LJ noted that “The correctness of Hilbery J’s decision in Davidson has been doubted and never yet tested. [read post]
1 Apr 2011, 12:21 am by Ben Reeve-Lewis
Grant’s version, on the other hand, reads like a manifesto cooked up in the dormitory of 5th form boys in Tom Brown’s Schooldays. [read post]
30 Jul 2024, 6:00 am by DONALD SCARINCI
Justice Elena Kagan authored a strongly worded dissent, which was joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 7:50 am
" I don't think that anyone could disagree with District Attorney Richard Brown's statement regarding the importance of protecting children. [read post]
15 Jan 2016, 8:58 am by familoo
Douglas, prepared the famous case, Brown v. [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 8:10 am by pscamp01
The scoundrel in politics or a political position is the result of the people in power who put him in – the Jim Browns. [read post]
5 Oct 2022, 5:20 pm by Yelena Duterte
When considering this, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson framed her understanding of statutes of limitation as a “funneling effect. [read post]
9 Jun 2023, 7:21 am by Dan Bressler
Accordingly, the following questions arise: If a lawyer is licensed to practice law by state A but lives in state B, would the lawyer violate the UPL rule of state B when the lawyer works remotely from home on matters exclusively dealing with state A? [read post]
17 Nov 2020, 4:26 am by SHG
Or does this no longer matter since the government can afford everything by pulling trillion dollar coins off the Money Tree, with a little 2% assist from the obscenely wealthy? [read post]
15 Mar 2009, 9:41 am
Go to lunch with someone in another area of the firm, offer to show them how to use some bit of technology during a brown bag lunch. [read post]
12 Dec 2011, 3:15 am by Laura Sandwell
Starting on Wednesday in Courtroom 2 of the Supreme Court is the two day hearing of In the matter of Peacock, which will be heard by Lady Hale and Lords Hope, Walker, Brown and Wilson. [read post]
21 Sep 2020, 9:42 am by Barbara S. Mishkin
In 2019, Director Kraninger announced a series of enhancements to the Bureau’s advisory committee charters, including: expanding the focus of the meetings to cover broad policy matters; increasing the frequency of in-person meetings from two times a year to three times a year for the CAB, CBAC, and CUAC; elevating the ARC to a Director-level advisory committee and increasing its meeting frequency; and increasing term lengths from one year to two years. [read post]
12 Oct 2022, 12:26 pm by Tammy Binford, Contributing Editor
The IRS decides who qualifies as an independent contractor under the Internal Revenue Code, and states often set their own rules on the matter. [read post]
10 Aug 2011, 6:45 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
Douglas McNabb and other members of the U.S. law firm practice and write extensively on matters involving Federal Criminal Defense, INTERPOL Red Notice Removal, International Extradition and OFAC SDN List Removal. [read post]
27 May 2016, 11:40 am by Steve Lubet
I want to note the irony that controversy about filming or recording Jasbir's talk fulfills a certain algorithmic militarism that is evident from the comments she gave and capitalizes on the fact that black and brown bodies are on display opening  critiquing forms of colonialism and racial power. [read post]
28 Jan 2010, 11:26 am by Steve Bainbridge
We must hope that judges can tell the difference between cases where intervention is necessary and appropriate, like Brown v. [read post]