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2 Nov 2010, 12:14 pm by Jack McNeill
[et al.]New YorkThe nature of New York : an environmental history of the Empire State / David StradlingSustainable DevelopmentGlobal justice and sustainable development / edited by Duncan French [read post]
14 Jan 2015, 5:43 am by Jim Sedor
Paul Pioneer Press “Ex-Missouri Lawmaker Fined $100,000 by Ethics Commission” by Marie French (Associated Press) for The Daily Journal “Supreme Court Declines to Review VT Campaign Law” by David Gram (Associated Press) for Burlington Free Press Ethics “Mike Hubbard Wins 2nd Term as Ala. [read post]
5 Oct 2011, 7:42 pm by Jay Eng
" This securities act case ( No. 2011CA015075) is currently pending before Judge David French and names the Company, individuals and underwriters. [read post]
15 Apr 2012, 8:06 am by John Steele
" At National Review Online, David French and Andrew McCarthy disagreed about the quality of the probable cause affidavit. [read post]
8 Feb 2020, 8:59 am by Walter Olson
David French, The Dispatch: Using RFRA [the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, oft a target of liberal wrath in recent years], it overturned the convictions of four people affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Church who were prosecuted for “violations of the regulations governing the Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge. [read post]
18 Feb 2011, 5:59 am by Walter Olson
David Oliver thinks the flap over 4-methylimidazole in the familiar cola ingredient, “caramel coloring,” is likely to go the same way as the flap over supposed cancer risk from acrylamide in French fries, potato chips and many other foods. [read post]
27 Oct 2011, 6:02 pm by Michel-Adrien
"It is edited by Adam Dodek (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, University of Ottawa) and David A. [read post]
1 Mar 2022, 9:19 am by Sarah Ben-Moussa and David Gallacher
On February 2, 2022, Sheppard Mullin partner David Gallacher joined the French Insider to discuss an overview of the Buy America provisions in the proposed infrastructure bill. [read post]
23 Mar 2016, 6:18 am by Jim Sedor
” by Mark Schmitt for New York Times Montana: “Lawsuit Says Disclose Act is Unconstitutionally Overbroad” by James DeHaven for Helena Independent Record Vermont: “Corren, Attorney General Still at Odds on Campaign Finance Case” by David Gram (Associated Press) for Rutland Herald Elections “How Does Trump Get So Much Air Time? [read post]
15 Mar 2019, 9:43 am by Minick Law
  I am an alumnus of Mars Hill College, The University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville-Buncombe Technical College, Asheville High School (class of ’77), South French Broad Junior High School (grades 8-9), David Millard (7th grade, the last year of its existence), and Newton Elementary School – the best elementary school in my life …until C.C.Bell! [read post]
12 Apr 2010, 11:48 am by Connie Crosby
Hat tip to David Akin, national affairs correspondent in Ottawa for Canwest, for sharing the link on Twitter. [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 1:37 pm by University of Illinois Law Review
Ellickson (PDF) Sealand, HavenCo, and the Rule of Law – James Grimmelmann (PDF) David C. [read post]
21 Mar 2016, 6:59 am by Jim Sedor
McMaster Ordered to Repay $72,700 in Campaign Contributions” by Andrew Shain for The State Ethics “GOP Lawmaker’s ‘Meals with Constituents’ Draw Scrutiny” by Scott Wong for The Hill Connecticut: “Administrator Who Angered Watchdog Agencies Resigns” by Jon Lender for Hartford Courant New York: “Albany Area Lawmakers Who Also Run Businesses Criticize Outside Income Limit Proposals” by Marie French for Albany Business Review… [read post]
7 Feb 2015, 11:54 am by Megan Geuss
This week the French legislature published a decree that will force ISPs to block websites that incite or advocate acts of terrorism, as well as sites that have pedophilia-related content on them. [read post]
24 Jul 2015, 3:01 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
And [French software engineer David] Gurlé has ambitions for it beyond the financial sector. [read post]
2 Jul 2013, 8:15 pm by Megan Geuss
According to the Associated Press, Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca denied that Snowden was on the plane. [read post]