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15 Sep 2011, 7:09 pm
We’ve got a wonderful group of participants confirmed, including: Hans Bader Benjamin Barton James Cooper Robert Crandall Nuno Garoupa Gillian Hadfield Bill Henderson Dan Katz Bruce Kobayashi George Leef Jon Macey Tom Morgan Walter Olson Richard Painter Eric Rasmusen Eric Talley Several of the TOTM bloggers will also be participating both in the posts and comments. [read post]
17 Jun 2010, 3:46 am
All three firms participated in the recent Building Better Lawyers conference managed by Gillian Hadfield and Anthony Kearns. [read post]
15 Apr 2013, 6:45 am
The inaugural issue includes an introduction by Klein as well as the following articles: “Law without the State: Legal Attributes and the Coordination of Decentralized Collective Punishment,” by Gillian K. [read post]
25 Jan 2018, 3:02 am
Chenery II, fair notice and retroactivity [Aaron Nielson, Yale Journal on Regulation “Notice and Comment”; related, Josh Blackman] Federalist Society convention videos includes panels on the administrative state and agencies and the judiciary with Steven Calabresi and Gillian Metzger, Congress with C. [read post]
7 Feb 2021, 8:30 pm
Senate Leaders Are Registered Lobbyists for Same Firm” by Gillian McGoldrick for Lancaster Online The post Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup appeared first on State and Federal Communications. [read post]
25 Feb 2008, 6:41 am
Valerie Hans (Cornell) chairs this year's conference Organizing Committee, which includes Jennifer Arlen (NYU), Bernard Black (Texas), Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell), Gillian Hadfield (USC), Michael Heise (Cornell), Geoffrey Miller (NYU), and Matthew Spitzer (USC). [read post]
20 Jun 2022, 1:10 pm
Louis)Gillian Metzger (Columbia)Miriam Seifter (Wisconsin)**Bijal Shah (Arizona State/Boston College)Glen Staszewski (Michigan State)**Wendy Wagner (Texas)**Christopher Walker (Ohio State/Michigan)Melissa Wasserman (Texas)**** Member of the organizing committee. [read post]
1 Mar 2018, 4:00 am
Gillian Hadfield, Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Southern California and one of the advisors on the study, as saying, ‘This research shows technology can help solve two problems: both making contract management faster and more reliable, and freeing up resources so legal departments can focus on building the quality of their human legal teams. [read post]
10 Jun 2011, 11:42 am
Gillian already mentioned the exercises available on her web site. [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 8:36 am
Speakers will include Matthew Adler, Jack Balkin, Stuart Benjamin, James Boyle, Erwin Chemerinsky, Robert Cooter, Mark Hall, Gillian Metzger, Abigail Moncrieff, Arti Rai, Barak Richman, Theodore Ruger, Stephen Sachs, Neil Siegel, Ilya Somin, Guy-Uriel Charles and Ernest Young. [read post]
16 Dec 2011, 5:27 am
Professor Hirschl was chosen as the winner from a most impressive field by a committee that consisted of Justice Mahoney, Professor Gillian Triggs (Dean and Challis Professor of International Law, Sydney Law School), Professor Martin Krygier (Gordon Samuels Professor of Law and Social Theory, University of New South Wales), Professor Wojciech Sadurski (Challis Chair in Jurisprudence, Sydney Law School) and Dr Kevin Walton (Director of the Julius Stone Institute of Jurisprudence). [read post]
29 Aug 2012, 7:50 pm
Perhaps the best colloquial expression of this folk wisdom (albeit one tinged with longing and impatience) comes from the folk singer-songwriter, Gillian Welch: Peaches in the summertime, apples in the fallIf I can’t have you all the time, I won’t have none at all A Song Dynasty painting of peach blossoms and a bird, attributed to Emperor Huizong (1082-1135). [read post]
19 Sep 2011, 11:39 am
Participants include: Hans Bader Benjamin Barton James Cooper Robert Crandall Nuno Garoupa Gillian Hadfield Bill Henderson Dan Katz Renee Newman Knake Bruce Kobayashi George Leef Jon Macey Tom Morgan Walter Olson Richard Painter Eric Rasmusen Eric Talley [read post]
1 Jun 2007, 5:57 am
Moggridge developed the first laptop computer; and in the book he talks to something like 40 people who are involved one way or another with computing and design, including, for example, Tim Mott, who designed what we now know as the computer desktop; Gillian Crampton Smith, who established the first program in interaction design at the Royal College of Art in London; Larry Tesler, who had a hand in developing the mouse; and Brenda Laurel, a "digital diva" who has published a book… [read post]
1 Nov 2011, 6:40 am
The third case relied on by Gillian Smith is Ochoa v. [read post]
9 Jun 2011, 3:42 am
In addition to Usha Rodrigues, we will be joined by Larry Cunningham (George Washington), Gillian Hadfield (Univ. of Southern California), and Claire Hill (Minnesota). [read post]
17 Jan 2012, 5:44 am
Gillian Metzger, Columbia Law School 10.30-10.45am: Morning Break 10.45-12.00pm: Panel II: Reconstruction Revisited · Eric Foner-Columbia University, Department of History · Aviam Soifer-University of Hawaii, School of Law · Alexander Tsesis-Loyola University School of Law · Rebecca Zietlow-University of Toledo College of Law Moderator: TBD 1.30-3.00pm: Panel III: The Limits of Authority · Jamal Greene-Columbia University School of Law ·… [read post]
17 Aug 2016, 3:30 am
Gillian Hadfield and James Heine suggest that the inaccessibility of legal services leads nearly forty percent of Americans to “lump” their civil justice problems, or do nothing to solve them. [read post]
17 Jun 2008, 8:19 am
Richard and Gillian Saville-Smith purchased the domain name as a gift for their son so that he could use it as his email address. [read post]
15 Jul 2009, 2:57 am
I am happy to support the sisterhood and publish their names here:•East of England: Karen Murray, Irene Turner and Christeen Wilson•East Midlands: Tracey Abbiss, Rachel Hutchinson and Sarah Stanier•London: Barbara Gwyer, Kate Partridge and Valerie Pierres•North East: Anne Jackson, Karen Rutter and Julie… [read post]