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25 Jan 2021, 9:01 pm by Lesley Wexler
For a subset of those struggling with how to envision moving forward, the focus should be limited to a narrow timeframe and a narrow set of grievances: the unwillingness of those inside and outside the state to accept electoral certification, the refusal to accept court rulings as definitively resolving questions of fraud and irregularities, and the use of violence to attack a branch of government, its members and the electoral process itself.Contrast this narrow view with Brown’s… [read post]
28 Mar 2010, 3:14 pm by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson Toward the end of the section on drone warfare in Legal Adviser Koh’s March 25, 2010 speech to ASIL is a discussion that runs to US domestic law and regulation. [read post]
11 Sep 2012, 7:13 am by Brandon Kain
… … The development and evolution of the approaches to the assumption of jurisdiction reviewed above suggest that stability and predictability in this branch of the law of conflicts should turn primarily on the identification of objective factors that might link a legal situation or the subject matter of litigation to the court that is seized of it. [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 1:19 pm
BSA's own internal "Ineligible Volunteer Files" (also called "the confidential records"), records it collected and maintained in secrecy for seventy years, reveal that scouting is a pedophile "magnet" and that removed pedophiles were often able to re-enter scouting in other locations. [read post]
6 Jul 2022, 1:00 am by Harbir Deol
“20 Non-Bank Lender Rule”: Loan agreements in favour of a Swiss borrower will be re-classified as a “bond” where the number of non-Bank lenders (and, under certain conditions, sub-participants, credit default swap counterparties, etc.) exceeds 20, should the conditions of the loans be variable and the total amount of the credit is equal to or exceeds CHF 500,000 (Kassenobligation obligation de caisse). [read post]
6 Apr 2010, 6:43 am by Jeff Pniowsky's Tax Law Blog
Usually everything they’re asking for. [read post]
29 Oct 2017, 3:05 pm by Angelo A. Paparelli
Federal officers with immigration enforcement authority — all of whom have taken an oath to “well and faithfully discharge [their] duties”  —  may hail from any number of Executive Branch departments and agencies. [read post]
28 Mar 2021, 7:30 pm by Omar Ha-Redeye
Justice Brown’s concern was that the majority’s approach abandoned any meaningful constraints on this national concern branch of POGG power. [read post]
28 Sep 2022, 3:58 am by Dan Harris
Mexico is the king of Free Trade Agreements (13 with 50 countries), and Chinese firms will have little trouble sourcing from their Vietnam branches (since Vietnam and Mexico are both members of the CPTPP treaty) until China can figure out how to do a separate Free Trade Agreement with Mexico. [read post]
6 Mar 2011, 10:30 pm by 1 Crown Office Row
  They should be at the bottom, under Schedule A1 – but they’re not there (or not on the date of writing, readers of the future!). [read post]
12 Aug 2024, 11:02 pm by Shane Pennington
” Instead, FCC regulations provide that if the agency takes no action on the projections within fourteen days after they’re released, the projections “shall be deemed approved by the Commission. [read post]
22 Aug 2008, 5:09 am
Technology is complicated — and the solutions we need are fairly complex — they require an in depth understanding of the problem if you’re going to formulate a solution. [read post]
2 Sep 2019, 3:38 am by Florence Campbell Jones
The legislative branch comprises of the Parliament (Vouli/Koinovoulio) and the President of the Republic (Proedros tis Dimokratias), currently Prokopis Pavlopoulos. [read post]
19 Mar 2010, 10:43 am by Sheppard Mullin
There are few things worse for a business than starting the day with FBI agents at the door demanding to search the files and computers with a search warrant in hand. [read post]
2 Aug 2012, 10:44 am by Bexis
  We’re not specialists in false claims, but our impression in reading qui tam cases involving off-label promotion, is that these cases tend to be brought on a whole lot less than “materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement[s]” made directly to the government. [read post]
30 Jul 2020, 10:00 pm by Shannon O'Hare
The Finnish court system is divided into two main branches; general courts and administrative courts. [read post]