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14 Jan 2015, 2:32 pm
 Precedent, she says, clearly holds that the statute of limitations on the crime of being "found" in the United States starts running when the defendant presents himself to a state officer. [read post]
8 Jul 2015, 3:07 pm by Jon Sands
  That holding, Judge Paez explained in his concurral opinion, flows from United States v. [read post]
26 Feb 2009, 1:00 pm
  At oral argument yesterday in Hawaii v. [read post]
14 Mar 2007, 1:50 am
Authority presented by the mortgagor even suggested that HUD did not contemplate its regulations to support affirmative state law claims by aggrieved mortgagors.On the other hand, the Court held, "ample authority" suggests that alleged violations of the regulations may be asserted defensively to halt a foreclosure action. [read post]
21 Jan 2010, 12:10 pm
So I like that part.On the other hand, however -- and I recognize that this is perhaps me being overly grumpy -- given that both the Attorney General and the defendant essentially agreed to everything at issue in this appeal, was it really necessary for the Chief to write a 54 page opinion, an opinion that discusses at length the broad history of California's initiative process, the different and varying provisions of other states, blah blah blah? [read post]
7 Sep 2007, 9:41 am
BYU has one of the best offensive lines in the country and more than a handful of offensive weapons, including a trio of punishing Tongan running backs. [read post]
26 Jan 2024, 9:01 am by Just Security
”  South Africa had argued that the imposition of such a requirement would follow the model the Court had used in the provisional measures phase of Ukraine v. [read post]
6 Feb 2014, 8:42 am by Camilla Alexandra Hrdy
  On the one hand, states can expand federal IP rights beyond the scope allowed by federal law – for instance, by sanctioning contract rules that restrict buyers' use of copyrighted materials (held enforceable in ProCD v. [read post]