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12 Nov 2020, 1:25 pm by rainey Reitman
Xavier Becerra and United States of America v. [read post]
4 Nov 2010, 11:40 am by Adam Thierer
” If a majority of the Justices choose to side with the State of California and open the floodgates to a new era of speech regulation, I very much looking forward to seeing how they reconcile that with their decision last term in the controversial case of United States v. [read post]
11 Apr 2019, 12:32 pm
Last Thursday Advocate General (AG) Kokott handed down her Opinion in case C-104/18 P Koton Mağazacilik Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ v Euipo (C-104/18 P). [read post]
23 Apr 2020, 12:22 pm by Patent Litigation Group
[xxii]  As a result of the United States’ entry into World War II in December of 1941, the seller was unable to obtain an export permit for shipment into the United States and had been previously delayed due to repairs and war conditions. [read post]
28 Feb 2008, 8:28 am
On the day of my visit, the topic was executive privilege which included discussion of the Presidential Records Act, United States v. [read post]
21 Mar 2022, 6:29 am by Amy Howe
ShareOn Tuesday, the justices will hear oral argument in Golan v. [read post]
14 Jun 2020, 4:27 pm by INFORRM
As a result, Greene won’t be able to revive his libel suit. [read post]
12 Feb 2014, 9:24 am
“[A]ll such proceedings for the enforcement, or to restrain violations, of this chapter shall be by and in the name of the United States. [read post]
18 Dec 2015, 8:17 am by John Hopkins
In a case called McCall v the United States the Florida Supreme Court has already ruled the non-economic damage caps are unconstitutional for the wrongful death of someone caused by medical malpractice. [read post]
28 Mar 2011, 5:53 am by Susan Brenner
Under this Directive, `[a]ctions that are taken for the primary purpose of furthering a military . . . function of the United States, regardless of incidental benefits to civilian authorities[ ]’ do not violate the PCA. [read post]