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31 Jul 2007, 2:59 pm
Chicky, Lawyer Mama, MojoMom, David at It's Not a Lecture, Paige at The Avery Lane Experience and Redsy (the blogger formerly known as CrankMama -- think she has one of those symbols for her name like Prince?) [read post]
27 Jul 2020, 5:48 pm by Tom Smith
“Inanity Abounds on Both Sides in the ‘Law and Order’ Road Show,” wrote David French recently of Trump’s willingness to get rough and the Antifa brigades’ willingness to accommodate him. [read post]
25 Mar 2010, 11:29 am by Robert Ahdieh
Elsewhere on the international front, Jim Maxeiner recently posted (to the Comparative Law listserv) the following quote from Chief Justice Roberts: “I like my wine French, my beer German, my vodka Russian, and my judicial system American. [read post]
18 May 2018, 3:02 am by Walter Olson
., Washington Blade] Study of restaurant employment: “Industry Dynamics and the Minimum Wage” [Daniel Aaronson, Eric French, Isaac Sorkin, & Ted To, Cato Research Briefs in Economic Policy] The “empirical evidence on the effect on minimum wages on employment is mixed. [read post]
2 Jul 2013, 8:15 pm by Megan Geuss
According to the Associated Press, Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca denied that Snowden was on the plane. [read post]
10 May 2011, 6:52 am by Legal Beagle
" George and Scott complained about Cheyne to the Faculty of Advocates but their case was kicked out after they ruled it was a personal matter.They have also enlisted the help of their MSP David Whitton. [read post]
In a presentation entitled Viva Là Difference: Anatomy Of A Cross-Border Deal, David Katz, a partner at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, discussed cross-border mergers and acquisitions, focusing on two French transactions that he’d been involved in, as well as discussing several recent developments relevant to cross-border mergers and acquisitions practice. [read post]
14 Dec 2009, 8:26 am
David Savage of the L.A. [read post]
20 Oct 2015, 6:12 am by Megan Geuss
That number included the engineer who was able to put together the chip card hacking scheme that a group of French researchers call "the most sophisticated smart card fraud encountered to date. [read post]
7 Mar 2025, 12:15 pm by Neil H. Buchanan
  In a New York Times op-ed piece shortly after the election, columnist David French was trying to describe low-information voters and differing levels of engagement with campaign news. [read post]
30 Nov 2022, 5:41 am by David Post
The soldiers thought the Germans were good fellows and hated the French like poison. [read post]
9 Jul 2009, 8:05 am
In his op-ed on Monday, David Brooks revisited the father of our country and paid wistful attention to the mythic figure’s concern for dignity. [read post]
27 Feb 2008, 7:54 am
Realizing the challenge of following my good friend Rushwith a post of similar caliber, I nearly threw in the towel and moved to French Polynesia. [read post]
21 Apr 2014, 9:59 pm by JD Hull
This week, an article on this site described how the far right is using pork to persecute Jews and Muslims, as Marine Le Pen stops schools serving non-pork options in the French towns she now controls. [read post]
24 Aug 2015, 1:04 pm by Bill Otis
 Whether it should work that way is another matter, but that is for a different entry.This is by way of introducing today's AP story about the Jihadist who attempted, but was foiled at, mass murder on a French train. [read post]