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28 Jun 2010, 4:13 pm
Hosts: Denise Howell and Evan Brown. [read post]
2 Jan 2007, 9:52 pm
Tags: what lawyers appreciate, denise howell, ernie the attorney, meme [read post]
19 May 2008, 10:25 pm
Denise Meyerson (Macquarie University - Division of Law) has posted Equality Guarantees and Distributive Inequity (Public Law Review, Vol. 19, pp. 32-51, 2008) on SSRN. [read post]
6 Apr 2012, 7:00 am by Geoffrey Manne
Denise Howell will be hosting and we will also be joined by fellow participant Evan Brown. [read post]
27 Feb 2009, 10:41 am
It’s a special podcast update today as, earlier this week, I joined host Denise Howell as well as panelists Evan Brown, Colette Vogele and Rick Klau for the TWiT Network’s This Week in Law Podcast. [read post]
25 May 2010, 7:00 am by Jeffrey Richardson
  The host Denise Howell asked me on primarily to discuss the legal issues surrounding the "lost" iPhone prototype that has been in the news lately, but we spent so much time talking about other issues such as Facebook privacy and unauthorized file sharing of movies that we didn't even get to the iPhone topic. [read post]
7 May 2007, 2:54 pm
A year ago I was listening to the podcast of an interview conducted by Denise Howell with a trio of IP lawyers, one of whom worked at Google. [read post]
10 Dec 2007, 6:45 pm
Denise Wakeman picked up from Jay Conrad Levinson's Guerrilla Marketing Intelligence ezine that the best way to market to other businesses is online. [read post]
20 Sep 2010, 7:44 am
Denise Pellegrini at is reporting that Brokers were told to stop evictions, cash-for-key transactions and lockouts, regardless of occupant type, with immediate effect, according to the document, addressed to GMAC preferred agents. [read post]
15 Aug 2011, 11:12 pm by Hull and Hull LLP
An article by Denise Appleby posted yesterday on the Globe and Mail website sets out the top three retirement savings tips for 55 to 64 year olds. [read post]
14 Jun 2011, 8:35 am by ---------------------------------
Roetzel Partner, Denise Hasbrook, explains key labor law issues from both the employer's perspective and the employee's perspective. [read post]
30 Aug 2010, 11:51 pm
Hosts: Denise Howell and Evan Brown The dark side of the Google, who Paul Allen isn't suing, music lawsuits and rights, shedding more light on net neutrality, and more. [read post]
31 Jan 2007, 6:22 pm
Denise wants me to include a picture, but no joy. [read post]
28 Jan 2011, 3:50 pm
Hosts: Denise Howell and Evan Brown Public information that shouldn't be disclosed, Facebook firing, increasing importance of intellectual property, tweet copyrights, insignificance of privacy policies, and more. [read post]
13 May 2008, 6:38 pm
Carrot PieOriginally uploaded by Denise HowellTyler is turning out to be quite a little chef in his old age (almost 4 1/2). [read post]
1 Jul 2011, 2:16 pm
Hosts: Denise Howell and Evan Brown Google + gets a plus 1 for privacy and user control, kids and violent video games, California Amazon affiliates are out in the cold, what it's like to be DMCA'ed out of existence, and more. [read post]
3 Sep 2010, 11:07 pm
Hosts: Denise Howell and Evan Brown FTC disclosure guidelines for bloggers and implication for short-form platforms, academic analysis of privacy, Craig's List, street view people remover, and more. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 5:21 am by Philip Thomas
Y'all Politics broke the story on Hinds County Chancery Court Judge Denise Owens denying State Auditor Stacey Pickering's motion for disbursement of settlement funds in the Mississippi v. [read post]
15 Mar 2010, 5:13 pm by SOIssues
03/15/2010 By Cristin Severance and Denise Alex Although legislator wants closer tabs kept, cutbacks force shift in priorities Detective Linda Rinear was knocking on doors, looking for _____. [read post]