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2 Sep 2009, 11:22 pm
Johnson & Johnson, L.P., 2009 WL 2252198, at *3-4 (D. [read post]
27 Feb 2009, 7:00 am
: Kelly and another v GE Healthcare Ltd (IP finance) (Mis)appropriation of Wii and PlayStation brands to name medical disorders (IPKat) Is regulation of trade mark attorneys necessary? [read post]
30 Oct 2018, 9:58 am by Kevin Kaufman
The Task Force has already seen results, facilitating voluntary local reforms, and it takes on even greater importance in the wake of the Wayfair v. [read post]
22 Nov 2010, 2:16 am by Kelly
(Afro-IP) Poland Poland: the battle over OXFORD (Class 46) Scotland Damages for damaging a brand: Tullis Russell v Inveresk (IP finance) South Africa SAIIPL’s new pres, transhipment and Afro-IP stats (Afro-IP) Johnson & Johnson application dismissed in counterfeit goods case (Afro-IP) Taiwan Trademark priority rights and the Taiwan question (China Hearsay) United Kingdom Belgian SCAM brings cash to British journos (1709 Blog) The PCC Page, no.6: Judge injects… [read post]
27 Jun 2017, 4:22 am by Edith Roberts
Kevin Johnson discusses these developments for this blog. [read post]
31 Jul 2008, 4:54 pm
LaGrange County Sewer District, an 11-page opinion, Judge Brown writes:Yankee Park Homeowners' Association, Inc. [read post]
2 Jun 2011, 12:46 pm by Bexis
Superior Court, 920 P.2d 1347, 1354 (Cal. 1996); Brown v. [read post]
13 May 2022, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal A 49-Year Crusade: Inside the movement to overturn Roe v. [read post]
3 May 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
Thurgood Marshall, named by Johnson in 1967, would turn out to be the last Democratic nominee for a full quarter century, and then Bill Clinton got only two appointments in his eight years of office (as did Barack Obama). [read post]