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27 Jun 2008, 5:14 pm
Thus the Democrats have surreptitiously repudiated the main reform of the post-Watergate era and adopted Nixon's line: "When the president does it that means that it is not illegal. [read post]
6 Jan 2008, 8:17 am
District Court Chief Judge Robert Miller Jr. said the law, which requires sex offenders to keep their registration current no matter where they live, does not interfere with individual state's handling of offenders.The law attempts to protect the public against offenders who may frustrate efforts to monitor them by traveling between states, he wrote. [read post]
5 Sep 2008, 12:12 pm
Does the Enumclaw opinion mean that Illnois is now no longer the only state that allows "targeted tenders"? [read post]
8 Oct 2011, 10:40 am
., A-2355-08T3, A-4949-08T3, July 14, 2011: Rule 5:6A requires judges to fix child support in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the Court. [read post]
24 Feb 2010, 10:07 am
This does not in any way result in prejudging the merits of the matter before the Inter-American Court.Today, interim measures have a key role in many of the cases that are brought before the Inter-American Human Rights System. [read post]
16 Jan 2009, 12:14 pm
The petition filed in the Court is procedural in nature and does not contain any insight into the Sierra Club's arguments. [read post]
6 Apr 2011, 6:52 am
For the reasons set forth below, this critical difference mandates a finding that, as a matter of law, Defendants' device does not infringe Plaintiffs' patent. [read post]
10 May 2012, 9:13 pm
However, I would caution that simply looking at the number of class actions that have been unsuccessful due to class arbitration waivers does not tell the whole story. [read post]
6 Jan 2008, 7:41 am
District Court Chief Judge Robert Miller Jr. said the law, which requires sex offenders to keep their registration current no matter where they live, does not interfere with individual state's handling of offenders. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 10:30 am
Rather, “disclosures must provide a balanced, truthful account of all matters they disclose. [read post]
25 Jan 2007, 3:40 pm
what can a paralegal say to a witness Does it mean anything? [read post]
20 Oct 2007, 10:03 pm
The courts recognise that being a lawyer employed by an enterprise does not of itself entail a level of independence. [read post]
14 May 2024, 4:49 am
What does involvement in the AI Pact offer participants? [read post]
13 Jul 2009, 10:30 am
While the Obama administration has said supports legislation to mandate "say on pay" votes at all public companies, the Treasury Department's bill does not address that matter or other contentious governance issues, such as proxy access, that are included in bills offered by Democratic lawmakers. [read post]
22 Mar 2011, 8:22 am
Public demand for, and legislative supply of, overbroad criminal laws does not necessarily mean that anyone actually wants these laws to be applied in a literal or indiscriminate fashion; new criminal laws are adopted against a backdrop of broad prosecutorial discretion, and are perhaps best understood as a way of giving new tools to prosecutors rather than as inflexible penal mandates. [read post]
29 Oct 2015, 12:59 pm
Related Posts: Fire Flask Fires Back at Fireball (1) Does this Look Like Bud? [read post]
14 Jul 2017, 2:45 am
The Court of Appeal held that it could fall within the public interest, stating the mere fact something is in the worker’s private interests does not prevent it also being in the public interest. [read post]
7 Oct 2014, 5:42 pm
If these proposals were adopted, the exclusion would go down to $3.5 million in 2018, and the maximum rate would rise to 45 percent. [read post]
4 May 2012, 5:41 am
The proposal to analyze these disputes as a class matter does not make common sense. [read post]
4 May 2012, 5:41 am
The proposal to analyze these disputes as a class matter does not make common sense." [read post]